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Single or Married!!
If you are in a relationship, why would you be posting pictures of your body half dressed for others to lust!! I'm talking to both females and males!!

If you are a follower of God respect yourself and the person you are in a relationship with but further more think about God!! We all are accountable for what we do and if we cause others to fall!

2 Timothy 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

10 Lessons from the book "Skills Rather Than Just Degrees" by Professor Isa Ali
Ibrahim Pantami

1. In today's rapidly changing world, academic qualifications alone are no longer enough to secure a successful career.

2. Skills are the new currency of the job market, and those who possess them are the ones most likely to succeed.

3. We must invest in vocational education and training, to ensure that our workforce has the skills needed to compete in a global economy.

4. The future belongs to those who can adapt, innovate and learn new skills quickly and efficiently.

5. A skills-based education system will not only benefit individuals, but also businesses, industries, and the economy as a whole.

6. We need a paradigm shift from a degree-focused education system to one that focuses on developing practical skills and competencies.

7. Employers today are looking for candidates who can hit the ground running, with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their roles.

8. It's time to rethink our approach to education, and prioritize the development of practical skills that can be applied in the real world.

9. Skills are the key to unlocking opportunities, driving innovation, and creating a brighter future for all.

10. In the modern workplace, success depends not on what degree you have, but on what skills you bring to the table.

Thanks for reading

Professor Isa Ali Pantami

Federal Ministry of labour & Productivity

"The Wisdom of Finance" by Mihir Desai is a book that explores the intersection of finance and life, using stories and insights from literature, history, and philosophy. Here are some key learnings from the book:

1. Finance is not just about numbers: The book emphasizes that finance is not solely about money and formulas. It highlights the importance of understanding the human and social aspects of finance, and how it shapes our lives and society.

2. Storytelling and narratives matter: Desai argues that finance is deeply rooted in storytelling. By drawing connections between finance and literature, the book underscores the power of narratives in explaining complex financial concepts and engaging with audiences.

3. Finance involves trade-offs: The author emphasizes that financial decision-making often requires making difficult choices and weighing trade-offs. Understanding the concept of risk and reward, and considering the impact of decisions on various stakeholders, is crucial in navigating the complexities of finance.

4. The importance of empathy: The book highlights the significance of empathy in finance. By exploring the experiences and perspectives of different individuals and communities affected by financial decisions, Desai encourages readers to consider the ethical implications and societal consequences of their actions.

5. Learning from history: Desai discusses historical events and financial crises to shed light on the lessons that can be learned from the past. Understanding the mistakes and successes of previous generations in finance can help guide future decision-making and avoid repeating past errors.

6. Integrating finance with other disciplines: The book promotes the idea of integrating finance with other fields such as literature, history, and philosophy. By blending insights from various disciplines, individuals can develop a broader and more nuanced understanding of finance and its role in society.

These key learnings from "The Wisdom of Finance" encourage readers to approach finance with a more holistic and humanistic perspective, recognizing its impact beyond numbers.

𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟏𝟖-𝟓𝟓, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬…

1. Life doesn't wait for you to be okay. Get up everyday and keep pushing through.

2. Never force anyone to choose you. You'll learn the art to spend time alone

3. Master your emotions. A calm mind can handle any situation.

4. To avoid disappointment, you need to take people for who they're not for what you want them to be.

5. Everyone will show you who they're, just give them time

6. You're at peace with yourself when you mind your own business.

7. Ensure you take good care of yourself, if anything happens to you, the world will move on.

8. Nobody cares, work hard to get better everyday.

9. If you don't work to build your own dream, someone will hire you and give you a purpose.

10. Free yourself from the society's advice, most of them have no idea of what they're doing.

11. 30 years is too long to sit in an office being told what to do.

12. You shouldn't frequently take advice from people who're not where you want to be in life.

13. Life's is 100% better when no one know anything about you

14. You become 10x smarter when you quit the news and put politics out of your topics, unless it is your official occupation or it benefits you positively

15. You need to be smart enough to create your opportunities, don't wait for them to come to you.

10 lessons from "On Writing Well" by William Zinsser:

1. Know your audience. Who are you writing for? What do they know about your subject? What do they want to know?

2. Be clear. Say what you mean in a way that your reader can understand.

3. Be concise. Get to the point quickly and without wasting words.

4. Be specific. Use concrete language that will help your reader visualize what you're talking about.

5. Be interesting. Keep your reader engaged by using vivid language and storytelling techniques.

6. Be persuasive. If you're trying to persuade your reader to do something, make sure your writing is clear, concise, and convincing.

7. Be honest. Don't try to mislead your reader with false or misleading information.

8. Be fair. Present both sides of an issue fairly and objectively.

9. Be yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not. Let your personality shine through in your writing.

10. Be willing to revise. No piece of writing is perfect the first time. Be willing to revise and edit your work until it's the best it can be.

These are just a few of the many lessons that Zinsser shares in "On Writing Well." If you're serious about writing, I highly recommend reading this book.


I once dated a lady called (Peace), she was good at the very begging of the relationship, & by Gods grace i also did my best to make sure we both live in peace, love & understanding,

But because i hard no constant Job she fells i am not man enough for her, so since i don't beg for love or force myself on people i let her go,

She started dating a solider guy who passes out from Army Koima barrack 72 regular intake, i see them together but because i was no longer interested in her i kept my peace and my joy burning for my future.

As time goes on the guy find out she is not what he wants do he gives her money. On a very faithful day the guy quited the relationship and went for her friends younger Sister name (Rita).

They started dating as time goes on the guy saw what he wants in a woman and decided to engage her cause she was a wife material to him. Don't put money first in a relationship as a lady it won't last.

Reasons Why
Reasonable Guy Dump Ladies Is This:
- If you demand to much.
- If you lack manners of approach.
- If you don't appreciate the little does for you.
- If you gossip alot.
- If you don't listen to him.
- If you allow him beg you always like a beggar on the street to do things right. .
- If you can't cook very.
- If you don't allow him make decision in the relationship.
- If lack the fear of God.

√ Ladies
A guy can be given you money but know that money don't keep relationship, Responsible guys knows what to do to keep a relationship.

√ Ladies
Build your Moral character first then you will have a long lasting relationship and it will show you can make a good house wife and a capable one

10 lessons from "The Art of Public Speaking" by Dale Carnegie:

1. Become interested in other people. The most important thing to remember when speaking to an audience is that you are not the most important person in the room. Your audience is, and you need to focus on their needs and interests.

2. Smile. Smiling makes you look confident and approachable, and it also helps to put your audience at ease.

3. Be enthusiastic. Enthusiasm is contagious, and it will make your audience more likely to be interested in what you have to say.

4. Speak clearly and slowly. Don't mumble or speak too quickly, or your audience will have trouble understanding you.

5. Use simple language. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your audience may not understand.

6. Tell stories. Stories are a great way to engage your audience and make your points more memorable.

7. Ask questions. Asking questions is a great way to get your audience involved and to get feedback on your presentation.

8. Vary your tone of voice. Don't drone on in a monotone voice. Use different tones to emphasize different points and to keep your audience engaged.

9. Use gestures and facial expressions. Gestures and facial expressions can help to emphasize your points and to make your presentation more lively.

10. Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice, the more confident you will become, and the better your presentation will be.

These are just a few of the many lessons that can be learned from "The Art of Public Speaking." If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to becoming a more confident and effective public speaker.


How do you manage when your efforts don’t yield the desired results?

Our efforts always bring results. If not what you want, they do build you up to achieve something else that life thinks is more rewarding for you.

Whenever we put our efforts into something, we expect favourable results. We always get results, but not always the way we want. It can often cause disappointment, and we may even get discouraged to try again or continue.

If you want to achieve anything in life, you will go through many ups and down. Analyse yourself, Modify your plans as needed, redirect your efforts or see if you need to make changes to your goals. You will feel motivated again, and goals will seem achievable.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

#[367] #castelo #[777] #smsarchiving #[544] #[795]

10 Lessons from the book "The Book of Patience" By Courtney E. Ackerman

1. Patience is a virtue, but it is also a skill that can be cultivated and improved with conscious effort over time.

2. Learning to be patient requires a deep understanding and acceptance of the truth that we cannot always control the world around us.

3. The key to cultivating patience lies in learning to control our thoughts and emotions, and to respond to challenges with calm and grace.

4. Patience helps us cultivate deeper empathy, understanding, and connection with the world around us.

5. By learning to be patient, we open ourselves up to a world of opportunities and experiences that may have otherwise passed us by.

6. True patience requires us to relinquish our need for control and accept things as they are, rather than as we want them to be.

7. To be patient is to be resilient in the face of adversity, and to trust that everything happens for a reason.

8. Patience teaches us to be present in the moment, to slow down, and to appreciate the beauty and wonder of life.

9. The more patient we become, the more we begin to recognize and appreciate the small joys and pleasures that make life worth living.

10. Patience is not a passive quality, but an active one that requires constant effort and mindfulness.
Thanks for reading and pls follow Martha Kamara charity work

Worth Reading & Sharing
Here are 10 lessons from the book “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg:

1. Habits are powerful forces that shape our lives. They can help us achieve our goals or hold us back from success.

2. Habits are formed by a three-step loop: cue, routine, and reward. The cue is a trigger that tells our brains to go into automatic mode. The routine is the behavior we perform. The reward is what we get out of the behavior.

3. Once a habit is formed, it can be very difficult to change. This is because the brain creates a neural pathway for the habit. The more we repeat the habit, the stronger the neural pathway becomes.

4. However, it is possible to change habits. The key is to identify the cue and reward for the habit you want to change. Once you know what triggers the habit and what you get out of it, you can start to create a new habit loop.

5. **One way to change a habit is to ** insert a new routine into the habit loop. This can be done by making small changes to the cue or reward. For example, if you want to stop eating junk food, you could start by putting it out of sight. This will make it less likely that you will be triggered to eat it.

6. **Another way to change a habit is to ** make the new routine more attractive. This can be done by making it more rewarding or by making it easier to do. For example, if you want to start exercising, you could make a deal with a friend to go to the gym together. This will make it more likely that you will actually go.

7. It is important to be patient when trying to change a habit. It can take weeks or even months to break a bad habit and form a new one. Don't give up if you don't see results immediately.

8. It is also important to be kind to yourself. Changing habits is hard work. Don't beat yourself up if you slip up. Just pick yourself up and start again.

9. Finally, remember that you are not alone. Everyone struggles with habits. There are many resources available to help you change your habits.

10. **The most important thing is to ** never give up. If you keep trying, you will eventually succeed.

I hope these lessons help you on your journey to creating better habits.

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