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Ten lessons from the book "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance" by Angela Duckworth:

• Talent is not enough. While talent can give you a head start, it is not enough to guarantee success. In fact, studies have shown that grit is more important than talent for achieving long-term success.

• Passion is essential. If you are not passionate about your goals, you are less likely to persevere through challenges. Passion gives you the motivation to keep going when things get tough.

• Perseverance is key. Perseverance is the ability to keep going even when things get tough. It is essential for achieving long-term goals.

• Practice makes perfect. Deliberate practice is the key to developing your skills and talents. It involves focusing on your weaknesses and working to improve them.

• Set realistic goals. If you set unrealistic goals, you are setting yourself up for failure. Instead, set realistic goals that you can achieve with hard work and perseverance.

• Be resilient. Don't let setbacks derail your progress. Instead, learn from your setbacks and use them to fuel your determination.

• Have a growth mindset. Believe that your abilities can be developed through hard work and practice. This will help you stay motivated even when things get tough.

• Find a mentor. A mentor can provide you with guidance and support on your journey. They can help you stay focused on your goals and offer advice when you need it.

• Be optimistic. Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your journey.

• Enjoy the journey. Don't forget to enjoy the process of achieving your goals. Along the way, you will learn and grow, and you will make memories that will last a lifetime.

I hope these lessons help you on your journey to achieving your goals.


Why I lived with my mother-in-law when we first got married.
-Dr Myles Munroe

My wife and I, I'll tell you, when we got married, you know what we did, we got married, had no money and we came out of college broke (crowd laughs) and I said to me, I'm gonna be just like God said. I'm gonna be a good man. So my wife's mother and father said you can stay with us as long as you need, I said thank you and I lived with my mother-in-law and my father-in-law in one bedroom for four (4) years! Why? We wanted to save our money! We had nothing to prove to nobody! We had a vision and we took our money and we bought our own property in a fantastic location where the value keeps going up and we built our own house with our own money as we stayed with the mama-in-law eemhum!

And now we got our house worth over $1.2 million all paid for, 3 cars all paid for including a jaguar, we got enough property that worth $2million all paid for and you're still broke!
Why? "I'm too proud to be in my mother-in-law." No! It's called discipline.

You know why God sometimes sends crisis, to send you back to the class you missed!
"I gotta go back and live with my mama?"
God said yep, you missed that class, go back I want to show you how to save some money.
Stop competing with people who ain't worth competing with!

The Jones's are living on credit (crowd laughs), so forget the Jones's tonight and follow the plan of God.
Everybody say "management", (audience scream management).
You got a business? When that money comes in, don't you spend that money on yourself!
Put it back in the business, grow the business, manage the business, why? Cos if you are disciplined, you will reap later!

Credit: Christiantalk



"Cash Flow Quadrant" is a book written by Robert Kiyosaki, which explores different ways to generate income and build wealth. Here are ten key lessons from the book:

1. E Quadrant: The book introduces the Cash Flow Quadrant, which categorizes individuals into four quadrants: Employee (E), Self-Employed (S), Business Owner (, and Investor (I). It emphasizes the importance of understanding these quadrants and transitioning from the left side (E and S) to the right side (B and I) for financial independence.

2. Mindset shift: Kiyosaki stresses the need to shift from an employee or self-employed mindset to a business owner or investor mindset. This involves embracing risk, seeking opportunities, and developing financial intelligence.

3. Building assets: The book emphasizes the importance of acquiring income-generating assets such as real estate, stocks, businesses, and intellectual property, as opposed to focusing solely on income from a job or self-employment.

4. Leveraging systems and people: Kiyosaki asserts the significance of building systems and leveraging the efforts of others to create passive income streams. This involves delegating tasks, hiring employees, and building a team to run a business.

5. Financial education: The author emphasizes the need for continuous financial education to enhance one's understanding of money, investments, and business. He encourages readers to expand their financial literacy to make informed decisions.

6. Risk management: Kiyosaki highlights the importance of managing risks and learning from failures. He encourages readers to take calculated risks and develop resilience in the face of setbacks.

7.Networking and relationships: The book emphasizes the value of networking and building relationships with like-minded individuals, mentors, and successful people. These connections can provide opportunities, advice, and support along the journey to financial independence.

8. Tax advantages: Kiyosaki explores the tax advantages available to business owners and investors. He suggests understanding tax strategies and utilizing them to maximize income and minimize tax liabilities.

9. Financial independence: The book encourages readers to strive for financial independence rather than solely relying on a paycheck or income from a job. Kiyosaki discusses the importance of creating passive income that surpasses living expenses to achieve financial freedom.

10. Legacy and giving back: Finally, Kiyosaki highlights the significance of leaving a legacy and giving back to society. He suggests that financial success should not be solely self-serving but should also be used to make a positive impact on others and the world.

Thanks for reading.


1) Vision is the ability to see what is not yet. This means that we should not be limited by our current circumstances. We should always be looking to the future and imagining what is possible.
2) Vision is the key to success. Without vision, we will wander aimlessly through life and never achieve our full potential. But with vision, we can set goals and plan to achieve them.
3) Vision is contagious. When we have a vision, it inspires others to have their own visions. This can create a ripple effect that can change the world.
4) Vision is powerful. It can change the world. Think about the visions of Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi. Their visions of a more just and equitable world inspired millions and helped bring about real change.
5) Vision requires faith. We must believe that our vision is possible to achieve it. This does not mean that we have to have all the answers. But it does mean we have to believe we can find the answers.
6) Vision requires action. We must take steps every day to make our vision a reality. This does not mean that we have to do everything ourselves. But it does mean we must be willing to roll up our sleeves and get to work.
7) Vision requires perseverance. There will be setbacks, but we must never give up on our vision. This is especially true when we are faced with challenges. But if we persevere, we will eventually achieve our goals.
Vision requires sacrifice. We may have to give up some things to achieve our vision, but it will ultimately be worth it. This could mean giving up our time, money, or relationships. But if we are willing to make these sacrifices, we will be one step closer to achieving our goals.
9) Vision requires a team. We cannot our vision alone. We need the support of others. This could mean finding a mentor, joining a support group, or simply surrounding ourselves with positive people who believe in us.
1 Vision requires a commitment to excellence. We must be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve our vision. This means giving our best effort every day and never giving up.

Top 10 lessons from the book "Finish What You Start" by Peter Hollins

1. Understand the importance of following through. When you start something, make a commitment to see it through to the end. This will help you achieve your goals and live a more fulfilling life.

2. Break down large goals into smaller steps. This will make them seem less daunting and more achievable.

3. Set deadlines for yourself. This will help you stay on track and avoid procrastination.

4. Eliminate distractions. This means turning off your phone, closing your email, and finding a quiet place to work.

5. Take action even when you don't feel like it. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting started. Once you get started, you'll often find that the momentum carries you through.

Follow Evans Mozurunyem Ministries for action-provoking posts every morning!

6. Celebrate your successes. This will help you stay motivated and on track.

7. Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you're struggling, don't be afraid to ask for help from a friend, family member, or professional.

8. Be patient. It takes time to develop the discipline and follow-through to finish what you start. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.

9. Don't give up. The only way to fail is to give up. If you keep trying, you will eventually succeed.

10. Learn from your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. The important thing is to learn from them and not make the same mistake twice.

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Marry someone you feel VERY COMFORTABLE with.

Marry someone you can PLAY and LAUGH with.

Marry your buddy!

Marry your BEST FRIEND.

Marry your own rib!

In the name of Jesus, you will not marry your enemy!

© Seun Oladele, 2023.

7 Lessons On Mindset That Everyone Should Know.

1. When you enter a mindset, you enter a new world.

2. Actually, people with the fixed mindset expect ability to show up on its own, before any learning takes place.

3. Those with the growth mindset were the ones who showed the most character or heart. They were the ones who had the minds of champions.

4. People in a fixed mindset often run away from their problems.

5. You don't get a growth mindset by proclamation. You move toward it by taking a journey.

6. As growth-minded leaders, they start with a belief in human potential and development both their own and other people's.

7. Change can be tough, but I've never heard anyone say it wasn't worth it.

Thanks for reading

"If you don't read books, here's 5 reasons why you must read at least 3 pages a day"

1) Exposes you to new ideas

There’s no denying that certain circumstances can limit the ideas you encounter in everyday life.

If you have access to books, in short, you can access new concepts and information, no matter where you live or what you do.

2) Gives you a chance to encounter different cultures.

Maybe you’ve never had the chance to visit another country or even travel to different regions of your home country.

You can still explore other cultures and traditions by simply picking up a book.

3) It can boost empathy

When you recall your last English or literature class, you probably remember a few deep and meaningful literary works — some more interesting and relevant than others.

4) Improve your vocabulary.

Vocabulary and verbal skills fall under the umbrella of general intelligence, and you’re bound to encounter new words each time you open a book.

5) Strengthens problem-solving skills.

Reading can fuel your imagination by allowing you to envision and explore new and different worlds.

An expanded imagination can boost creativity, making it easier to find new and unique solutions to the challenges that come up daily.

22 Life Lessons You Can Learn From

1. Focus. Unproductive days quickly become unproductive years if you don't sharpen your focus.
2. Walk. A walk is never a waste of time, it calms the mind, it gives you ideas, you just feel happier.
3. Great relationships don't distract you from your personal goals, they get you there.
4. People are so "disappointed in you" when they can't manipulate you.
5. The wiser you get, the less you get offended.
6. Learn to say NO, some people feel no shame when they take advantage of your kindness.
7. Whoever is bringing out the best in you, stay connected to them.
8. Building self-confidence is the art of keeping the promises you made to yourself.
9. If you're above 25, you're broke and still spend most of your time partying, you need to wake up.
10. By age 30, you should be smart enough to know that no-one is coming to save you but yourself.
11. Rich people plan for three generations, the goal is long term never short term.
12. Missing out on temporary fun to build permanent stability is not a loss. It’s a gain.
13. First rule of success: Listen to those who have what you want and have been where you are at. Let them inspire you.
14. Nobody owes you anything. If you want It, go get it.
15. You often have to temporarily do things you don't enjoy to build the life you enjoy.
16. Master your emotions. A calm mind can handle every storm.
17. If you react every time someone says something foolish, you're gonna waste a lot of time. Learn to ignore.
18. Comfort is slowly making your life more dangerous. Be comfortable being uncomfortable. You can’t always be in your comfort zone.
19. Get rid of bad habits, one at a time.
20. If you are not willing to work for what you want, you don't deserve it enough.
21. Uncomfortable truth:
Your struggles will be admired only after you become successful.
22. To be successful at anything you don't have to be different. You simply have to be what most people are not:
Consistent which is a very important element to success.