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10 lessons from "The Marshmallow Test":

1. Self-control is a key skill for success. The ability to delay gratification and resist temptation plays a significant role in determining our achievements in life.

2. Cultivate self-discipline. Developing self-control is crucial for achieving long-term goals. This applies to various aspects of our lives, such as careers, finances, health, and relationships.

3. Learn from successful strategies. Observing the tactics used by those who excel at self-control can help us improve our self-discipline.

4. Identify your temptation hot spots. Once you know what tempts you, you can start to develop strategies for resisting temptation.

5. Make a plan. Having a plan for how you will resist temptation can help you stay on track.

6. Take it one step at a time. Don't try to change everything at once. Start by making small changes that you can stick with.

7. Be patient. It takes time to develop self-control. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.

8. Don't give up. The more you practice, the stronger your self-control will become.

9. Celebrate your successes. When you resist temptation, take a moment to celebrate your success. This will help you stay motivated.

10. Help others. Helping others to develop self-control can also help you to strengthen your own self-control.


1. Be silent - in the heat of
2. Be silent - when you don't
have all the facts.
3. Be silent - when you
haven't verified the story.
4. Be silent - if your words
will offend a weaker Person.
5. Be silent - when it is time
to listen.
6. Be silent - when you are
tempted to make light of
holy things.
7. Be silent - when you are
tempted to joke about sin.
8. Be silent - if you would be
ashamed of your word later.
9. Be silent - if your words
would convey the wrong
10. Be silent - if the issue is
none of your business.
11. Be silent - when you are
tempted to tell an outright lie.
12. Be silent - if your words
will damage someone else's reputation.
13. Be silent - if your words
will damage a friendship.
14. Be silent - when you are
feeling critical.
15. Be silent - if you can't
say it without screaming.
16. Be silent - if your words
will be a poor reflection
of your friends and family.
17. Be silent - if you may
have to eat your words
18. Be silent - if you have
already said it more
than one time.
19. Be silent - when you are
tempted to flatter a
wicked person.
20. Be silent - when you are
supposed to be working


Cree Owners

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a self-help book written by Stephen Covey. The book presents seven habits that Covey argues are essential for personal and interpersonal effectiveness.

The first habit is being proactive, which means taking responsibility for one's own life and actions. This involves focusing on things that can be controlled rather than worrying about things that cannot be controlled.

The second habit is beginning with the end in mind, which means having a clear understanding of one's goals and objectives. This involves visualizing what one wants to achieve and then working towards it.

The third habit is putting first things first, which means prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. This involves focusing on the most important tasks first and avoiding distractions.

The fourth habit is thinking win-win, which means seeking mutual benefit in all interactions with others. This involves looking for solutions that benefit everyone involved rather than just oneself.

The fifth habit is seeking first to understand, then to be understood, which means listening to others before trying to make oneself understood. This involves empathizing with others and trying to see things from their perspective.

The sixth habit is synergizing, which means working together with others to achieve common goals. This involves valuing differences and using them to create something greater than what could be achieved alone.

The seventh habit is sharpening the saw, which means taking care of oneself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This involves engaging in activities that promote personal growth and renewal.

Overall, the book emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, goal-setting, prioritization, effective communication, collaboration, and self-care in achieving success and fulfillment in life.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a self-help book written by Stephen Covey. The book presents seven habits that Covey argues are essential for personal and interpersonal effectiveness.

The first habit is being proactive, which means taking responsibility for one's own life and actions. This involves focusing on things that can be controlled rather than worrying about things that cannot be controlled.

The second habit is beginning with the end in mind, which means having a clear understanding of one's goals and objectives. This involves visualizing what one wants to achieve and then working towards it.

The third habit is putting first things first, which means prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. This involves focusing on the most important tasks first and avoiding distractions.

The fourth habit is thinking win-win, which means seeking mutual benefit in all interactions with others. This involves looking for solutions that benefit everyone involved rather than just oneself.

The fifth habit is seeking first to understand, then to be understood, which means listening to others before trying to make oneself understood. This involves empathizing with others and trying to see things from their perspective.

The sixth habit is synergizing, which means working together with others to achieve common goals. This involves valuing differences and using them to create something greater than what could be achieved alone.

The seventh habit is sharpening the saw, which means taking care of oneself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. This involves engaging in activities that promote personal growth and renewal.

Overall, the book emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility, goal-setting, prioritization, effective communication, collaboration, and self-care in achieving success and fulfillment in life.

A. you become self-aware of your own suffering at work

B. Your curiosity for newer adventures kick in and re-emerges

C. And after the break you really feel the Uhhhh “ I don’t think I want to continue this greasy pole or shining thing. It accompanies a sense of dread and that is what happened to me when I loss my mother in 2021.

The Proof of my mother’s work was in front of the family. She had succeeded in creating a world better than the one she has grown in from living with a single mom who had 5 children her entire life.
It was clear to me in those moments that family, love, relationships and happiness ( a life free of death and sorrow as I defined it) which is unrealistic were the most important things in the world.

As Promised, here are the bonus quotes

“ The ease of having an ambition is that it can be explained to others; the very disease of ambition is that it can be so easily explained to others.”

“Prestige is a magnet that warps even your beliefs about what you truly enjoy” PAUL GRAHAM

“ Labour is only necessary by natural reason for the maintenance of individual and community. People should be expected to work, but the reason is to meet the needs of our families and communities”

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In the Pathless Path, Paul Millerd posits that “ THE PATHLESS PATH is an alternative to the default path. It is an embrace of Uncertainty and discomfort. It’s a call to the adventure in a world that tells us to confirm.

Here are 5 key Points and my favorite quotes from the author himself.


I personally had this experience when I started my business back in 2022 June. Though I was working, there were a bunch of my friend who would ask me what is the Name of your Business again? And What exactly do you do?

You see when you are taking a decision in the unknown, there will be people who are often confused about your path because they feel that the most traditional way is the 9-5 and the most important thing to have done is stick with the life you already know as compare to the new adventure which they don’t understand.

But the point is not for them to understand your journey. Like Steve Harvey would say “ Your vision and the life God has designed for you is Intentional and Private and not for everyone to understand because it is not a community Project.


A lot of times, we as life students, learners and people choosing our own paths are more concerned about the Prestige, Morales and Achievements that come with the comfort of our 9-5 because it pays the bills.

The truth is, you are worth 10 time more to your employer than you know. Say for example you are paid $50,000 USD, that employer is getting 10x more out of you than you know, so instead of the bluff and happy blubby feelings that accompanies that salary per year, reverse engineer your thoughts and think of ways you can harness your own dreams and cause them to come to pass.

A lot of times people enjoy the certainty instead of the overall enjoyment because of family, mortgage and other bills. Figure the path that you really want.

Even it a means starting small with something like a vegetable garden, or fruits, start it as a side hustle and see where it takes you. Remember in our despensation there are many alternatives and options.


Whenever we are in a Prestigious career, we are more carried away by the titles, the fame and the way we feel about ourselves than the actual fulfillment life’s purpose. Most time we are in Corporate and are so delighted, but further down the road does one understand that the whole time it has been about foster his/her own dream.

As an example, I work as a Mental Health Practitioner, and Just got certified into a Very rare and Lucrative Tech field — My point exactly. Once a man or a woman attain a level of success, we think that we have made it and therefore, should brag about working on other people’s dreams when we can be doing the hard work of working on ours.


Most often than not, we are often moved by the EXTRINSIC meaning of work than the INTRINSIC meaning.

Andrew Taggart will go on to say that “ Work has become an extrinsic pursuit, where we are merely seeking rewards, recognition and status instead of intrinsically seeking the satisfaction and meaningfulness of our labor.

It’s a great idea to go to a Prestigious University, Graduate with A and enter the Fortune 500 industry, but if the only reason you are doing it, is to find, Prestige, fame and rewards, boredom is right next to you. “The real search for meaning and life is not in the job you do but the meaningfulness of the works you do”.

Being Intrinsically motivated instead of the mere bluff that comes with working a top tier company.


Paul emphasized in the book that during sabbatical,


Bad relationships can be really messy..
You end up questioning your very existence and your standards for love..💞

You can’t help but wonder about what you’ve done to deserve the hell that you’ve just been through. Ladies/guy, find yourself a man/women with a good heart. because When you fall for someone who cannot love you back, then you know you are standing on a strange land where no one knows how to help you escape.👈

At first you think you’ve fallen in love with a perfectly normal lady/Man who will do right by you. But as you go deeper and deeper into the relationship, you start to discover more about each other and you don’t like what you see, the true is dat this kind of individual lack d fear of God and are after sex or money,they will do everything possible to get you, After dat is story.👈

I know how it feels. I know it’s not in your control. I know how you believe he/she will change one day. I completely get the things you’re going through right now. Because I was once in the exact same place..💞

I felt the exact same things and I always believed that things would change one day. Before I met the love of my life, I always ended up wasting my time and efforts on guys who clearly did not care about me at all.👈

Finally my prayers for you is dat One day you’re going to meet someone who will look at you like no other person has ever looked at you before. This person will see you for who you really are and love every aspect of it..👈

Your beauty and your charm will bring this person to a kneel. This person is going to be able to see your flaws and not ignore them; but love them unconditionally.So Either the devil's like it or not you will not miss your God chosen Man or women this year In Jesus Almighty Name Amen.🤷💖💞


Don't live your life without vision, because a man without vision will keep wandering around untill he dies without achieving anything, so a man that is living without vision and insight is already a dead man, because vision keeps you going.

There are many people today who wants to live a life of vision, they want to live on purpose, but they sincerely donot know how to arrive at vision.

What do you spend your life pursuing?
How do you avoid the tragedy of careless existence?
How do you direct your time, energy and resources without wasting them?

One of the ways to properly access your vision is by having a clear direction from God. Direction from the Lord may arrive in the dream, just like how Joseph, it can also arrive as a vision , like the voice that spoke to Saul of Tarsus in Act 9:3-16, it can come through every avenue the Lord choose to speak to you.

My ministry today came as a result of the direction I got from God.

There are many ways to access vision, and one of them is revelation from the word of God. You can access vision while studying the word of God. Beyond reading the word of the God, beyond hearing the word of the Lord, you can also see something from the word of God, God can reveal things to us through his word, so he expects us to see something from his word, which is the bible.

Passion and compassion of the heart is also one of the ways to access visions.

There is a connection between your heart burden and your life's bearing. It is possible to discover your burden by discovering your hearing, what God will cause you to heal, he will cause you to feel.

Our passions are different because our purposes are also different. What drives you determined what you can drive, and what moves you, determines what you can move.

Most times, our burden and passion can come from what you have passed through in life.

I made up my mind that my children will never pass through what I went while growing up, because I came out from a terrible background, so what you have passed through may run as your vision.


1. Discouragement from other people: Many people have had their dreams knocked out. The world is filled with dreams, crushers, and idea killers. Some people who aren't pursuing any dream don't like to see others pursuing theirs. Other people's success makes them feel inadequate or insecure.

2. Some people are hindered by past disappointments and hurts: Disappointment is the gap between expectation and reality. All of us have encountered that gap. We've had an unexpectedly bad experience. We've had to live with our unfulfilled desires, and we've had our hope dashed. Disappointment can be highly damaging to us.

3. Some people get in the habit of setting for the habit of average: Columnist Maureen Dowd says, "The minutes you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for." Dreams require a person to stretch, to go beyond average. You can't reach for a dream and remain safely mediocre at the same time. The two are incompatible.

4. Some people lack the confidence needed to pursue their dreams: It takes confidence to talk about your dream and more to pursue it. And sometimes, confidence separates those who dream and pursue those dreams from those who don't.

5. Some people lack the imagination to dream: How do people discover their dream? By dreaming! That may sound overly simplistic, but that's where it starts. Imagination is the soil that brings a dream to life. Nobel prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein, a dreamer and thinker, understands the value of the imagination. He said, "When I examine myself and my method of thought, I conclude that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my talent for absorbing positive knowledge." Einstein called his imagination a "holy curiosity"

Thanks for reading


Not every woman is fit for a Minister
Not every woman is fit for a Pastor
Not every woman is fit for an Engineer

Yes, some women aren't meant for Bankers,
Not all ladies are fit for Lawyers,
Some ladies are meant for business men,
Yea, some are for Bus drivers, and etc.

When you marry the wrong man, there's every tendency for the marriage to fail.
Yes, you cannot fit into where you don't belong.

Your value/worth can only be recognized or appreciated when you implement it on the right people/person.

You're not just anyone's wife, you were made for someone.
When you marry someone else's husband, you become a problem to him and to yourself. Truth be told.

Have you discovered whose wife you are?
Prayerfully discover your purpose in a man's life so you'll understand where you fit into.

Don't just marry!
Marry rightly!
Blessings! 🙌🏾

Source: School Of Marital Success