“Our greatest longing is also God’s primary intent and desire. God’s highest priority is restoring the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. It was to this end that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to live among us for a time; to take on human flesh and become one of us. From the very beginning Jesus’ message was simple and straightforward: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near” (Matt. 4:17b). Later on, He specifically instructed His followers to “seek first His [God’s] kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matt. 6:33).
Jesus preached the Kingdom. He taught the Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven was the central theme of everything Jesus did and said. It was, essentially, His only message. And that message of the Kingdom is the same message the world needs to hear today because everyone on earth is searching for the Kingdom of Heaven.
The priority of the Kingdom message was brought home to me in a very personal way that transformed my life and my entire way of thinking. Some time ago I had dedicated myself to a private, personal fast. It was a very special time for me because I really wanted to spend some close time with God. My desire was that He would speak to me His heart and mind for that time in my life and reveal His greatest desire for His people. Fifteen days into the fast I sensed God saying to me: “Kingdom first!” That was it. Just two words. Kingdom first! You might think that after 15 days with no food you would receive at least a sentence from God! But no, He simply said, “Kingdom first!” Straight and to the point, which is always the way God speaks.
“Kingdom first!” A deceptively simple statement, so simple that its true depth and significance of meaning are easy to miss. At least, I thought it was simple until I began studying and discovered that this two-word statement embodies the central thrust of God’s entire plan and purpose for humankind. For you see, “Kingdom first!” is a message with universal application. It relates to everyone on earth. It is a message for the world. “Kingdom first!” is a message for Christians, Jews, and Muslims alike. It is for Buddhists and Hindus. It is for atheists and agnostics. It is for scientists, theologians, and philosophers. “Kingdom first!” is a message for people of every religion and people of no religion because it is not a religious message. “Kingdom first!” is a message that transcends religion.
Why is the “Kingdom first!” message so universal and so important? Because when we understand “Kingdom first!” we will understand how to live effectively on earth. Everybody wants to live effectively. We all want our lives to mean something. Each of us desires to control our own destiny, live out our dreams, and fulfill our highest potential. Understanding and embracing the “Kingdom first!” message will make all of these things possible. It will allow us to understand the keys to life.
1. Nothing is more tragic than a life without purpose.
2. If you’re not doing the right thing at the right time, that means you are doing the wrong thing at the wrong time.
3. Priority helps us sharpen our vision so we can focus on the most important things.
4. If you are not pursuing the purpose you were born for, then you are pursuing the wrong thing.
5. Everything man does outside the Kingdom of Heaven is motivated by the drive to meet personal needs.
6. All religion is driven by the priority of needs.
7. Jesus said, “Don’t worry about your life.”
8. Worry is the most useless exercise in the world.
9. If you make God your source, then He calls the shots. And if He calls the shots, He pays the bills!
10. Any religion that focuses on the acquisition of things and the meeting of personal needs is a religion of pagans.
11. If food, drink, clothing, money, car, house and other material things are your priorities, then you are thinking and acting like a pagan, no matter what you claim to believe.
12. It is time for us to stop living according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and start living by the principles and priorities of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Excerpt From
Applying the Kingdom
Myles Munroe.