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7 important lessons from the book "The Power of Now"

1. Any action is often better than no action, especially if you have been stuck in an unhappy situation for a long time. If it is a mistake, at least you learn something, in which case it's no longer a mistake. If you remain stuck, you learn nothing.

2. Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.

3. Accept — then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.

4. If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place. Primary reality is within; secondary reality without.

5. If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.

6. Where there is anger there is always pain underneath.

7. Nothing has happened in the past; it happened in the Now. Nothing will ever happen in the future; it will happen in the Now.

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"The person who cannot see the ultimate becomes a slave to the immediate. When oppression becomes a mental condition, then physical freedom is not enough. Your mental state is more important than your physical state. Freedom is first a mental condition before it is a physical statement. Until you free your mind you can't free your life. Deliverance is not freedom. Deliverance prepares you for freedom. It is possible to be delivered and yet not free. Being released from the oppressor does not guarantee a release from oppression. Freedom is a burden that only the mature can bear."

~ Dr. Myles Munroe ~

10 lessons from the book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles:

1. There is a science to getting rich. It is not just about luck or hard work. There are specific principles that can be followed to achieve financial success.

2. Your thoughts create your reality. What you think about most will eventually manifest in your life. If you want to be rich, you must think thoughts of wealth and abundance.

3. You must have a clear and definite purpose. What do you want to achieve with your wealth? Once you know what you want, you can begin to take steps to make it happen.

4. You must believe that you can be rich. If you don't believe it's possible, it will never happen. Believe in yourself and your ability to achieve your goals.

5. You must take action. Thinking about being rich won't make you rich. You must take action and take steps towards your goals.

6. You must be willing to work for it. There is no such thing as a get-rich-quick scheme. You must be willing to put in the hard work and effort to achieve your goals.

7. You must be persistent. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way, but you must not give up. Keep going and never give up on your dreams.

8. You must be grateful. When you are grateful for what you have, you open yourself up to receiving more. Be thankful for the small things in your life, as well as the big things.

9. You must help others. When you help others, you are also helping yourself. The more you give, the more you will receive.

10. You must be patient. It takes time to build wealth. Don't expect to get rich overnight. Be patient and consistent, and you will eventually achieve your goals.

These are just a few of the lessons that can be learned from the book "The Science of Getting Rich." If you are serious about achieving financial success, I encourage you to read the book and put its principles into practice.

Kindly follow my page 🙏.

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Hello Booklovers, the book in review holds 14 of Jeff Bezos sought after secrets for growing your business like Amazon Global

1. Customer obsession: Make the customer the center of everything you and prioritize their needs above all else.

2.Long-term thinking: Focus on long-term goals and invest in initiatives that may take time to bear fruit.

3.Embrace failure: View failure as a necessary part of the learning process and be willing to take risks.

4.Invent and simplify: Continuously innovate and find ways to simplify complex processes and customer experiences.

5.Think big: Have a grand vision and pursue ambitious goals that have the potential to create significant impact.

6. High standards: Set high expectations for yourself and your organization, and constantly strive to raise the bar.

7.Bias for action: Value action and decisiveness, and avoid getting caught up in analysis paralysis.

8.Hire and develop the best: Surround yourself with talented individuals, invest in their growth, and build a strong team.

9. Data-driven decision-making: Rely on data and metrics to inform your decision-making process.

10. Stay agile and adaptable: Embrace change, be open to new ideas, and constantly evolve to meet customer demands and market trends.

As a Bonus here are the 14 Principles and to get a PDF please join the telegram or WhatsApp groups ( or

1. Customer obsession

2. Start with the customer and work backward

3. Long-term thinking

4. Embrace external trends

5. Focus on high-velocity decision-making

6. Foster a culture of innovation and experimentation

7. Be willing to fail and learn from failures

8. Maintain a sense of urgency

9. Strive for operational excellence

10. Encourage independent thinking

11. Seek out and embrace high-quality, high-velocity data

12. Use metrics to drive accountability and improvement

13. Communicate with clarity and candor

14. Be relentless in delivering results

Please follow me for more fire 🔥 book reviews

Dear Lady,

If you have a young man that loves you genuinely and you love him to pieces,

But this young Man is struggling financially and unable to kick start marriage proceedings, and you get tired of waiting for him AND you DECIDE to settle for a guy who is Ready, who you don't really love laidat,

Please and Please, do well to reduce contact with that young Man that you Love to the bearest minimum.

That's how many extra marital affairs start.

That's how many paternity frauds happen. One thing will now lead to another, you'll now get pregnant for him and pin it on your husband.

You made a choice, we refuse to judge you for that, fact remains you are now married, face your marriage, work on it, and let go of any emotional distractions.

Don't be among those who will come to social media seeking advice; "I'm married, but I still love my ex, I'm jealous any time I see him with a Woman".

"I want to get pregnant for my ex boyfriend, I don't love my husband".

"Help, I'm MARRIED but I don't want my ex boyfriend to get married, I don't want to lose him to any Woman".

I get these kinda messages from women seeking for my counsel and it irritates me.

Aunty, you can't be selfish and at the same time be stupïd.

Stop insisting on him chatting with you daily, calling him endlessly, begging to see him, wanting his attention and affection while your husband is there.

You broke up with him, don't break up his life too.

Leave him to heal, to chase his dreams, find love and get married.

You can't eat your cake and have it.

You're telling him you still love him, what do you want him to do with that information? You're now another Man's Wife.

As a Lady, if for any reason, you marry or married the Man that is, or was READY instead of the Man that you LOVE, honor your decision.

Your Marriage Vow is greater than your Feelings.
STAY FAITHFUL................ There's no excuse.

Written by: Peter D'Rock
The Blunt Writer
All Rights Reserved.


Single men and women,before going into marriage, there are things you need to understand as a single person, please enjoy where you are on your way to where you are going, it is not marriage that complete you.

Many people get married for different reasons, it might be as a result of their age,so many people think that they are old to get married that is why they rushed into marriage that is not the will of God for them.

Some rush into marriage because of parental pressures😔
Marriage isn't something that you can rush into because it is something that has to do with your whole life on earth.

Marriage is the highest level of friendship on earth 🌎 so marry your friend, you have to marry a person you love and know very well.

Some of you will say that it doesn't matter whether you love the person or not, so long as he or she is spiritual🤣you will marry him or her.Close one of your eyes in prayer and open the other for finding the right person 💯

1. Marry someone you can associate with on all levels and not be ashamed.

2. Marry someone that knows your fault, and accept you just as you are 🥰

3. Marry someone that loves you enough to tell the truth that you do not want to hear

4. Marry someone with whom you can be transparent with, honest and sincere.

5. Marry someone you can count on in times of crisis.

6. Marry someone whose needs you meet and who meet your needs.

7. Marry someone who is committed to help you realize God's purpose and potential for your life.

8. Marry someone that is there when he has reason not to be there because him being there for you is artificially costly.

9. Marry someone that stands for you and by you in everything.

10. Lastly, marry someone that God has chosen for you.

Marriage is the highest level of friendship on earth 🌎

I pray for you that you will marry right and that your union will be blissful in Jesus Name, Amen

Sometimes it is better if we let that crush remain a crush. That caring friend remain a friend, and that nice colleague at your place of work remain a colleague. Than trying to take it a step higher and hurt each other in the process.

How many of your destiny helpers will you have feelings for before you realise that God has not put everyone in your life for you to date? I can only imagine how God feels when we come before Him asking for conviction to date someone He has put in our life to connect us to our purpose.

Someone can be very kind and nice to you as a friend, but terrible as a lover. That you have been very good friends with that person for a long time doesn't mean it must transform Into a romantic relationship. It is just lack of emotional maturity that is doing you or the both of you. Emotional intimacy usually reveal a lot about who people really are on the other side. Not all good friends are good lovers. Transforming your friendship into a relationship will lead to malice in no distant time.

Sometimes it is wisdom to keep your feelings to yourself and enjoy the beautiful friendship you have taken time to build. Trust me the feelings will pass, it always does.

Here are the top 10 points from the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, along with examples:

1. The Power of Atomic Habits:
• Example: Instead of setting a goal to read 50 books in a year, focus on the habit of reading 10 pages every day. The small habit will accumulate over time and make a significant impact.
2. The 1% Rule:
• Example: Improving a skill by just 1% every day may seem insignificant, but over time, these small daily improvements compound and lead to remarkable progress.
3. Habit Stacking:
• Example: Attach a new habit to an existing one. For instance, after brushing your teeth in the morning, meditate for five minutes. The existing habit serves as a reminder for the new habit.
4. Environment Design:
• Example: If you want to read more, place a book on your nightstand instead of your smartphone. By altering your environment, you make it easier to engage in desired habits.
5. Habit Cues:
• Example: Use visual cues to prompt desired behaviors. If you want to drink more water, place a water bottle on your desk as a reminder to stay hydrated.
6. Habit Tracking:
• Example: Keep a habit tracker or journal to record your progress. By visually seeing your habits, you create accountability and motivation to maintain or improve them.
7. Habit Stacking:
• Example: Attach a new habit to an existing one. For instance, after brushing your teeth in the morning, meditate for five minutes. The existing habit serves as a reminder for the new habit.
8. The Two-Minute Rule:
• Example: Break down habits into their smallest steps. If you want to exercise daily, start with a goal of doing just two minutes of stretching or a short walk. The idea is to make it easy to start and build momentum.
9. Habit Identity:
• Example: Embrace the identity of the person you want to become. For instance, instead of saying, “I’m trying to eat healthier,” say, “I am a healthy eater.” This shift in identity reinforces positive habits.
10. The Importance of Habit Reinforcement:
• Example: Celebrate and reward yourself when you stick to your desired habits. It could be something as simple as treating yourself to a movie after completing a week of consistent workouts.

Remember, these are just a few highlights from the book. “Atomic Habits” provides a wealth of insights and practical strategies to help individuals create and sustain positive habits.

I am a man,but today I want us to discuss
Do you know that certain things you do when your wife is pregnant actually contributes to state of health of the mother and unborn child?
Listen, it bothers me a lot when I see men showing no concern to their pregnant wife or fail to adjust to some temporary changes!!!
It's just 9 months, not like it's forever. Pregnancy is not bought in the market, neither is it a software downloaded from the internet. It's a seed planted by us men and is germinating. There has to be a carrier of that seed while it grows, and women have been given the responsibility to carry it.

Pregnancy is preparation to welcome
a new member into the family.
Pregnancy is a
journey fun filled, amazing etc.

Women differ in body changes. Although Pregnancy makes women do certain things in common.
■Once in a while she would nag
■Once in a while she would request for things unimaginable e.g she wants to eat okro and bread
■Once in a while she would get so lazy to make you your meals
■Once in a while she would want to stretch her legs on your laps. Please pardon her... carrying the baby ain't easy.
Her needs may be unsatisfiable at times.
The first Tri_mester of the journey can be so annoying. Like I say women differ from each other during pregnancy.
●While most women are busy vomiting.
●Most of them sleep like water leaf, they sleep off anywhere with the slightest chance even in the kitchen.
●While most women have fever.
●Most women be looking cranky and dry like Dustin powder.
●While most women add up weight.
●Most women appear like burnt offerings.
●Some even go round with White handkerchief spitting in it. ALL THESE ARE STILL OUR WORK.....
Please tolerate this, it's beautiful afterwards.
Her attitude becomes annoying, most times you cant stand her. But I get annoyed when I see men like me neglect their pregnant wife. She's not an abomination, neither is she a curse. I must say, it's not an easy journey for all.
The last Tri_mester is when we need to be extra patient, loving, enduring and understanding.
1) Always observe your wife's feet while pregnant, it swells often. Please give her a basin of water to soak her leg once in a while, it's one of the best treat women enjoy during pregnancy.
2) Ask her regularly how she feels and how the baby is. She's the carrier so she feels him/her move.
3) Tell her how beautiful she looks during pregnancy e.g " Honey see as the pregnancy make you fine, I will be impregnating you every month ooo" or even "is it my child that makes you fresh like this pass normal" Even if she has grown bigger in size cause of the pregnancy, celebrate her.
4) Don't be upset if she ever wakes you up by 2am to help massage her feet. We need to feel little of her discomfort and pain. She shouldn't carry it alone, it's our baby,we need to carry it together. (I don't mean physical carriage though).
5) No rule book stopped sex during pregnancy, in short it's the best sef.... do it. It's not like the vagina stopped working during pregnancy. o boy continue the work that brings the pregnancy.
6) Don't be ashamed to take her out. Take her out once in a while to those lovie dovie places you used to go together. #[761]...
Most times I wonder what crosses the heart of men when they see their pregnant wives. Carrying a child for 9 months isn't easy.
I urge all men to get closer to their spouses during pregnancy because that's one of the times she needs you most.

A big shout out to all men who fully stand
by their wives during pregnancy.
God bless you all. women after delivery ask forgiveness from your husband for been with you at the time of need because is not easy .
Report from Don Ernest Ernest

GOD DOESN'T RUSH || Apostle Joshua Selman

If God says wait, Wait!
Everytime you rush seasons, you will always give birth to the Ishmael that will fight Isaac.

God is a God of speed, but God does not rush.
Two days to your breakthrough, Satan can bring an offer in one day, that can make you birth Ishmael and forever you will have to live with that battle.

May you recieve Grace to wait on the Lord!
