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You cannot save anyone. You can be present with them, offer your groundedness, your sanity, your peace. You can even share your path with them, offer your perspective. But you cannot take away their pain. You cannot walk their path for them. You cannot give answers that are right for them, or even answers they can digest right now. They will have to find their own answers. ~Jeff Foster

Apostle Arome Osayi.

God will call a man, and through the sacrifice of covenant alignment, he will lead that man to a unique path in the spirit, and also give him the capacity to be able to host the dimension of God that God wants him to see, and when that man successfully go through that season, God will anoint him, and the reward of that man for staying with God is that anyone in that same dispensation that wants to access the dimension of God, will never do it in dishonour to that man.

We are insufficient of ourselves, but what qualifies us is God.

One of the major reason people continue to struggle in their christian race is because they have not come to the state of admitting their inability and insufficiency.

Most people come to God as strong people, wanting him to make them stronger. The strength of God does not rest upon strength, because when the strength of God comes and find strength, it will go back till you exhaust that strength. You need to come to the point where you need to admit that your strength is small or limited.

There is a condition a man must take before he can attract the help of God or the holy Spirit. Being available is not enough, there must be an admittance within yourself that you are insufficient, and that is a honest description of your state.

There is no where in the Bible that men declared their insufficiency and God did not honour them. God only help those that needs help, and people that needs help always make their insufficiency known.

You cannot access the help of the holy Spirit untill you understand the weakness of man, so the holy spirit will not just be someone that only helps you in your ministry, but someone you can actually lean or rely on.

10 lessons from the book Building a Second Brain by Tiago Forte:

1. Your knowledge is your most valuable asset. In today's knowledge economy, your ability to access and use information is more important than ever before. A second brain can help you organize, manage, and share your knowledge so that you can be more productive and creative.

2. A second brain is not a replacement for your memory. It's a tool that can help you offload information from your short-term memory to your long-term memory, so that you can free up your mind to focus on more important things.

3. A second brain is not a static collection of information. It's a living, breathing system that grows and evolves as you do. As you learn new things, your second brain should grow along with you.

4. There is no one right way to build a second brain. The best approach for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Experiment with different methods until you find one that works for you.

5. The most important thing is to start. Don't wait until you have the perfect system in place. Just start capturing your thoughts and ideas, and you can refine your process over time.

6. Be consistent. The key to building a successful second brain is to be consistent with your capture and review habits. The more you use your second brain, the more valuable it will become.

7. Make it easy to access. Your second brain should be easy to access from anywhere, so that you can always find the information you need when you need it.

8. Share your knowledge. Your second brain is a valuable resource, so don't be afraid to share it with others. By sharing your knowledge, you can help others learn and grow.

9. Keep it up-to-date. Your second brain should be a living, breathing system that reflects your current knowledge and interests. As you learn new things, update your second brain accordingly.

10. Have fun! Building a second brain should be enjoyable. If you're not having fun, you're less likely to stick with it. So find a method that works for you and make it your own.

Don’t Wait To Be Challenged - DR.MYLES MUNROE
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8).

God has promised that He can do far more than you can think or imagine. His power is available to you. Is that power working in you? Are you saying to God: “I’ve got some power, now work it for me. Give me something to do”?
God has given you a skill or ability the world needs. He has been waiting for your birth. Perhaps He planted within you a unique ability to work for life. Imagine a dead baby turning purple in your hand. Others are thinking “undertaker,” but you know that God has given you a potential to restore life. You believe God and pray, by the power of His Spirit, “God, this dear baby must live.” Even though someone might overhear you, and that makes your prayer all the more difficult, you tap into the potential God planted deep within you and believe for the baby’s life.

God has given you a skill or ability the world needs.
Miracles happen when we give our potential responsibility. God designed it that way. Don’t allow the things within you to die with you because you did not challenge them. God planted the seed of potential within you. He made you according to the potential principle— like the rest of His creation.

Don’t waste that gift. Give your potential some responsibility.

✍️ There are several valuable lessons that one can learn from the book "Unlimited Memory" by Kevin Horsley. Some of these are:

👉 1. Memory improvement is achievable: One of the biggest takeaways from the book is that memory improvement is not a myth. With the right techniques and a little bit of practice, anyone can improve their memory significantly.

👉 2. Visualization is key: Visualization is a powerful tool when it comes to memory improvement. By associating what you want to remember with something else that’s more memorable, you can create vivid mental images that are easier to recall.

👉 3. The importance of focus: You cannot remember something if you never paid attention to it in the first place. The book teaches that focus is key to creating lasting memories.

👉 4. Repetition is key: The more you repeat something, the more likely it is to stick in your mind. The book stresses the importance of revisiting what you want to remember regularly.

👉 5. Mnemonic devices can be helpful: Mnemonic devices are memory aids that can help you remember information more easily. The book teaches various mnemonic devices that can be applied to different types of information.

👉 6. Overcoming memory blocks: The book provides practical ways of overcoming memory blocks such as mental blocks, habits, and procrastination.

👉 7. Importance of a healthy brain: One of the key lessons in the book is that a healthy brain is essential to good memory functions. The book encourages readers to adopt healthy habits like exercise, a balanced diet, and quality sleep to improve their memory.

Overall, "Unlimited Memory" is a resourceful guide to improving memory skills. The book provides practical and easy-to-follow tips and techniques that can benefit anyone seeking to improve their memory skills.

Thanks for reading 📖

The Science of Getting Rich is a motivational self-help book written by Wallace D. Wattles. Wattles shares his insights into how individuals can achieve financial success by adopting a certain mindset and following certain principles. He argues that the universe is made up of abundant resources, and anyone can access these resources if they know how to tap into them.

The main premise of the book is that individuals can attract wealth and riches by following a certain path and adopting a certain mindset. Wattles explains that riches come to those who think positively and who believe in themselves and their abilities to achieve success. He also asserts that there is no such thing as a shortage of money or resources, but rather, people tend to limit themselves by their own beliefs and mental barriers.

The book is divided into 17 chapters and each chapter focuses on a different aspect of acquiring wealth and success. Some of the key topics covered in the book include the power of thought, the importance of taking action, and the need for persistence and determination. Wattles encourages readers to take control of their own lives and to believe in their own abilities to achieve financial success.

Overall, The Science of Getting Rich is a powerful and motivational book that provides readers with practical advice on how to achieve financial success. Wattles' insights offer a positive and accessible approach to attaining wealth and abundance, and the book continues to inspire readers today.

1. The science of getting rich begins with a mindset of abundance and visualization of wealth creation.

2. Individuals can attract wealth by adopting a positive outlook, practicing gratitude, and believing in themselves and their abilities.

3. To achieve financial success, individuals must develop a high degree of faith and adopt a proactive mindset.

4. The universe is full of abundance, and everyone has the potential to access it.

5. One of the keys to success is to be decisive and take action towards achieving your goals.

6. Don't become obsessed with money; instead, use your creative and intellectual talents to create a valuable product or service.

7. Develop a clear vision of what you want to achieve and focus your energy on it, rejecting all doubts and negative thoughts.

8. Choose to work with enthusiasm and passion so that you can enjoy the journey to success.

9. To build wealth, one needs to learn how to create value for others. It means developing skills and knowledge that help people address their problems.

10. You must seek advice and guidance from those who have already achieved financial success to help you overcome any obstacles.

11. You must stop worrying about failure and focus on the process. Persist in your efforts and keep moving forward.

12. Instead of trying to manipulate situations to your favor, learn to cooperate with others and build productive relationships.

13. Use your imagination and take the time to plan and work towards your goals.

14. Understand the difference between wealth and poverty thinking.

15. Mindset and intentions create outcomes. to achieve success, one must align their thinking with their desired outcome.

16. Work hard to eliminate limiting beliefs and negative self-talk; they will only hinder you from achieving your goals.

17. Getting rich is a Science because there are proven steps, and every step brings you closer and closer to getting rich.



𝟏𝟎 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 " 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 "

1. Life is short. You can, if you work hard and are lucky, get more of almost anything, but you can’t get more time. Time only goes one way. The average American has a lifespan of less than 30,000 days. So how you choose to live matters.

2. A better approach is to decide what you want to do and what is most important. Make lists. Then use technology to assist you, versus allowing it to control you. To execute on this concept requires discipline and practice, but anyone can get better at it, and make real progress if they want to.

3. Worrying wastes energy and wastes time; it limits what you can accomplish. I try not to obsess on the past, but to learn from it. I try not to worry about the future, but to prepare for it. And while it’s difficult sometimes, I try to take pleasure in the moment, even when bad things happen.

4. When you make mistakes along the way, as I have at many points in my life, accept them. Learn from them and move on.

5. The biggest mistake men make when they think about getting married is they assume women won’t change; the biggest mistake women make is they assume they can change men.

Follow Evans Mozurunyem Ministries for action-provoking posts every morning!

6. Character is one of the most important things in life. Reputations can be manipulated in the short term, but people tend to get the reputations they deserve over time. Reputations are your personal brand. They’re influential in how well you do in both your professional and personal lives.

7. Stay active. People are like sharks: if we don’t move constantly, we’ll die. This is true both literally and metaphorically. For example, there’s some evidence suggesting that older people who keep their minds active have a much lower chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease. People who ’retire’ and mostly eat and lie on the couch, aren’t likely to live very long -- or be very happy.

8. Almost anyone can be a father or a mother, but being a good parent takes hard work, focus, and a great deal of caring. Despite the obvious sacrifices of time and resources, I’ve found being a parent has been the most satisfying and enriching experience I’ve ever had. Most parents I know would say similar things.

9. When you’re in your 80s, and looking back on your life, I have little doubt you’ll feel better if you have chosen to give something back. Our time on earth is limited, but you can extend your influence by helping those who will outlive you.

10. Freud said: “Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness”. While it may sound simple, if you have close friendships and love your work, the odds are quite high that you’ll be happy most of the time.


“A thought is a silent word, so a word is an exposed thought. Everything in life starts in the thought form—it’s a thought first. After it’s said, it is no longer a thought. It becomes a word.

The next step is an idea. An idea is the concept of the thought—it has moved into a reality. Ideas are potentials.

The third level of operation is what I call imagination. Imagination changes an idea into a plan. If you have an idea it can come and go. You have many ideas in a day—what to cook, what to wear, what to do. You may decide the night before what you are going to wear in the morning and then wake up with a different idea. Ideas change. But if an idea develops into an imagination, it means the idea has become a plan. It is still not written or drawn, but it is in your head. Imagination is therefore a plan that is not documented. It is a visual display of your thoughts and ideas. Ephesians 3:20 challenges us to believe God is able and willing to do “exceeding abundantly far beyond all we can think or imagine.” He dares us to use our imaginations.

If you want to be successful in life, take your ideas and turn them into imagination; then take imagination and duplicate it physically. Put it down. Let it become a plan of action.

Followers, Dreamers, Visionaries, and Missionaries

Many people never get beyond the idea stage. That’s sad. They are usually followers. The people who get to the imagination stage often talk a lot but they do nothing. They are dreamers. But when a man or woman takes his imagination and puts it on paper, you are looking at a visionary who is becoming a missionary. Visionaries see great things in their minds. Many visionaries are in the graveyard. They had visions, but their visions never made it to mission. When a visionary becomes a missionary, you have a man or woman who is going to change the world.”

Excerpt From
Understanding Your Potential Expanded Edition in Special Hardcover
Myles Munroe

Top 10 Lessons learned From the Book “Think Again”

1. Think like a scientist.

A scientist is always in a rethinking loop which enables discovery of new knowledge.

👉If knowledge is power, knowing what we don’t know is wisdom.

2. Develop Confident Humility

Humility isn’t about lack of self-confidence. It’s about being grounded.

👉Knowing that we are both flawed and fallible. Never losing sight of this reality. Confidence is about self belief.

3. Detaching Opinion from Identity

🚫We should avoid becoming too attached to our ideas and our beliefs. We shouldn’t let it become part of our identity.

👉When we let our ideas become part of our identity, we become hostile to the thought of being wrong.

4. Argue about HOW and not WHY

WHY conversations often get emotional and ego led, and people become dismissive of the others.

✅Once you start discussing HOW, people start noticing the gaps in their knowledge and the flaw in their conclusions and become less argumentative.

5. How to win debates and negotiate well

- Instead of attacking to weakest argument, acknowledge their best one
- Focus on fewer but stronger points
- Ask questions

6. Changing mindsets through Motivational Interviewing

We can’t motivate people to change. We have a better chance helping them find their own motivation to change.


- Asking open ended questions
- Engage in reflective listening
- Affirming the person’s ability

7. Dealing with Polarised Mindsets

People operate with binary mindsets. Everything is black or white.

✅The solution lies in breaking this oversimplified extreme view by introducing complexity and nuance.

8. Rethinking for Kids

The practise of doing multiple drafts instead of just one. Especially in creative projects.

👉More drafts mean more rethinking, reworking, polishing and fine-tuning. Leading eventually to a higher quality output.

9. Learning Organizations

👉Combining Psychological Safety and Process Accountability to create a learning zone.

Honourable mention — Developing a culture of questioning by encouraging people to always ask “how do we know“.

10. Career Planning and Identity Foreclosure

🚫We need to stop asking kids what they want to do when they grow up.

✅The choice becomes part of their identity. We need to encourage them that careers are actions to take and not identities to claim.
You live your life on auto pilot because you don’t know what to do with your life.