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𝟑𝟔𝟓 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞

1) Life's easy when you live it the hard way... and hard if you try to live it the easy way.

2) Your choices are made in a moment, but their consequences will transcend a lifetime.

3) Self-discipline comes down to choosing between instant and delayed gratification.

4) Quitting when you're panicked is dangerous and expensive. The best quitters are the ones who decide in advance when they're going to quit. You can always quit later so wait until you're done panicking to decide.

5) No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.

6) In order to succeed, you must have a long-term focus. Most of the challenges in our lives come from a short-term focus.




Dear Ladies,
Before You Say I Do: Never be committed to a man who is not committed to you. When a man truly loves a woman, he will show it by his loving actions. Words are cheap.

Do not believe every word that a man tells you but believe everything he shows you by his actions. If a man loves you, he will pursue you and will never leave you wondering if he truly loves you.

If you are always the one chasing him and calling him and sending countless unreturned text messages, he is not serious with you.

If all he does is give you countless excuses of why he cannot be with you, then he is probably committed to someone else.

A man who truly loves you will give you undivided attention and unsolicited affection. If his love is not freely given, then his love is not worth receiving.

Do not be with a man who just tolerates you, be with one who pursues, appreciates and values you. A man who takes you for granted will always take advantage of you. Move on! You deserve better.

Flexibility, according to the dictionary is 'the tendency to give way to the influence of others; not invincibly rigid or obstinate.

Being a flexible partner means having the ability to make new changes, and stay open to different ways of doing things. You aren't rigid or holding on to just one way.

A flexible partner acknowledges their wrongs, gives room for fresh ideas, apologizes, and gives room for mistakes and corrections.

Relationships work better if both partners are flexible, as every relationship requires flexibility.

Flexibility in a relationship is the ability of both partners to compromise for each other; the ability to shift ground on matters concerning the relationship. A flexible relationship is swift and enjoyable.

"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3, The opposite of flexibility is rigidity, which means uncompromising. A rigid relationship is annoying, draining; and most of the time, difficult to maintain.

Many relationships and marriages are rigid, only one person's opinion stands out. They want to lord over the relationship with an authoritative style of leadership.

If you are not a flexible partner, then you are rigid and a rigid person is not fun to be with. Your relationship is dwindling probably because of your rigidity. Make amends today and become a flexible partner.

Don't forget however, never to compromise when a matter requires you to break an injunction of God's word. Be wise!

Apostle Orokpo Michael

If your prayers does not transform you, you have no authority over the Powers of darkness. Please make no mistakes about it.

There is a move of Prayer currently going on and people think that Prayer is about volume and about Posture. So you'll find young people Praying and Shouting, because they sweated and their suit is wet, they think it's Power; SWEAT IS NOT POWER!

The first thing that happens to you if you want to fight against the Devil is to make sure that your Prayer begins to TRANSFORM you. That lying tongue must come under the Government of God, that Heart that deceives must come under Government, that leg that is quick to go into immorality must come under Government... The first thing Prayer does is to TRANSFORM.

The Bible says; We all with open faces beholding as in a glass; Prayer is a way to Behold, we are then changed and transformed.

Before you talk about Territory, Be transformed first.
Before you talk about Anointing, be transformed first.
Before you pursue the devil, be transformed, first!

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God bless you!

11 key learnings from the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki:

1. The importance of financial education: Acquiring financial literacy is crucial for achieving financial success and making informed decisions about money.
2. Differentiating between assets and liabilities: Understanding that assets generate income while liabilities create expenses is essential for building wealth.
3. The power of passive income: Developing multiple streams of passive income, such as rental properties or investments, can provide long-term financial stability.
4. The value of entrepreneurship: Building and owning businesses can lead to greater financial freedom compared to relying solely on a job.
5. Making money work for you: Learning to invest and leverage money to generate more money is key to achieving financial independence.
6. Overcoming fear and taking calculated risks: Embracing risk and overcoming fear are necessary steps to achieve financial success and grow wealth.
7. Diversifying income sources: Relying on a single source of income can be risky, so diversifying through various investments and ventures is important.
8. Building a strong network: Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals and mentors can provide guidance, support, and opportunities for growth.
9. Understanding the difference between good debt and bad debt: Good debt is an investment that generates income, while bad debt creates financial burdens and hinders progress.
10. Developing financial discipline: Managing personal finances responsibly, creating budgets, and saving consistently are essential for financial success.
11. Recognizing opportunities in adversity: Viewing challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation can lead to financial breakthroughs.


1. You can be a great man even if you grew up without a father or a good relationship with your father

2. Your worth as a man is not determined by the money you have but your character

3. There is always a younger man watching you and how you carry yourself. Be a good example

4. Wisdom doesn't come with age, but by you fearing God and seeking wisdom

5. Ego is the man's greatest enemy. Once a man has self-control over his ego he is ready for greatness

6. Men have emotions too. Be responsible with your emotions and you will be responsible with the emotions of others

7. The earlier a man finds his vision and purpose in life the better for him

8. A man who seeks to grow marries a woman who challenges him and grows with him

9. A grown man not only expects respect, he also respects others

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Some Young Ladies Arrived At A Meeting wearing clothes that were quite revealing their body parts. Here is what the Chairman told them: He took a good look at them and made them sit.

Then he said something that, they might never forget in their life. He looked at them straight in the eyes and said; "ladies, everything that God made valuable in this world is well covered and hard to see,

Find or Get.
1. Where do you find diamonds?
Deep down in the ground, covered and protected.
2. Where do you find pearls?
Deep down at the bottom of the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell.
3. Where do you find gold?
Way down in the mine, covered over with layers of rock and to get them, you have to work hard & dig deep down to get them.

He looked at them with serious eyes and said; "Your body is sacred & unique" You are far more precious than gold, diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered too.

"So he added that, if you keep your treasured mineral just like gold, diamond and pearls, deeply covered up, a reputable mining organization with the requisite machinery will fly down and conduct years of extensive exploration.

First, they will contact your government (family), sign professional contracts (wedding) and mine you professionally( legal marriage).

But if you leave your precious minerals uncovered on the surface of the earth, you always attract a lot of illegal miners to come and mine you illegally.

Everybody will just pick up their crude instruments and just have a dig on you just freely like that. Keep your bodies deeply covered so that it invite professional miners to chase you.