Don’t Wait To Be Challenged - DR.MYLES MUNROE
And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work (2 Corinthians 9:8).

God has promised that He can do far more than you can think or imagine. His power is available to you. Is that power working in you? Are you saying to God: “I’ve got some power, now work it for me. Give me something to do”?
God has given you a skill or ability the world needs. He has been waiting for your birth. Perhaps He planted within you a unique ability to work for life. Imagine a dead baby turning purple in your hand. Others are thinking “undertaker,” but you know that God has given you a potential to restore life. You believe God and pray, by the power of His Spirit, “God, this dear baby must live.” Even though someone might overhear you, and that makes your prayer all the more difficult, you tap into the potential God planted deep within you and believe for the baby’s life.

God has given you a skill or ability the world needs.
Miracles happen when we give our potential responsibility. God designed it that way. Don’t allow the things within you to die with you because you did not challenge them. God planted the seed of potential within you. He made you according to the potential principle— like the rest of His creation.

Don’t waste that gift. Give your potential some responsibility.