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My beloveth daughters in the Lord, don't marry a man that has no job. Before God gave Adam Eve, he gave him a job, and that job was to manage and keep the garden, so don't mind men that comes to you and say, "sister, thus saith the Lord, you are going to be the star in my firmament" so untill you find out what he does, and his vision, don't marry or settle down with him. A man needs to have a steady income, before he can think of marriage, because, it is the duty of a man to provide for the family, so he has to have a steady source of income.

Brothers, don't marry Delilah, because she will destroy you. Don't marry because of beauty, because beauty always fades, and the bible made it clear to us in proverb 31:30, that beauty is vain, so that beautiful angelic lady you are going after because of her beauty is going to grow old some day and her beauty will fade away.

Don't marry outside the church, because it is better to be single than to get married to the devil.

Don't ever think that you can marry someone, and then change the person, because you can't change a person against his or her will, so if he or she is not a child of God, don't get married to him or her, because the bible warned us not to be equally yoked together with unbelievers.

Be mindful of who you are setting down with, because marriage is a forever thing, so be careful.

10 lessons from "The Marshmallow Test":

1. Self-control is a key skill for success. The ability to delay gratification and resist temptation plays a significant role in determining our achievements in life.

2. Cultivate self-discipline. Developing self-control is crucial for achieving long-term goals. This applies to various aspects of our lives, such as careers, finances, health, and relationships.

3. Learn from successful strategies. Observing the tactics used by those who excel at self-control can help us improve our self-discipline.

4. Identify your temptation hot spots. Once you know what tempts you, you can start to develop strategies for resisting temptation.

5. Make a plan. Having a plan for how you will resist temptation can help you stay on track.

6. Take it one step at a time. Don't try to change everything at once. Start by making small changes that you can stick with.

7. Be patient. It takes time to develop self-control. Don't get discouraged if you don't see results immediately.

8. Don't give up. The more you practice, the stronger your self-control will become.

9. Celebrate your successes. When you resist temptation, take a moment to celebrate your success. This will help you stay motivated.

10. Help others. Helping others to develop self-control can also help you to strengthen your own self-control.

These are just a few of the many lessons that can be learned from "The Marshmallow Test." If you follow these tips, you will be well on your way to developing stronger self-control.

Why you should start reading.

1. Read to gain knowledge.

2. Read to improve memory.

3. Read to strengthen your critical and analytical skills.

4. Study to improve your career.

5. Read to improve your writing skills.

6. Read to reduce stress and anxiety.

7. Read to improve focus and concentration.

8. Read to increase inspiration and motivation.

9. Study to learn at your own pace.

10. Read to stimulate the imagination.

11. Read to improve your conversational skills.

12. Read to be more empathetic.

13. Reading helps you sleep better.

14. Reading helps you protect the source of companionship.

15. Reading increases your life.

16. Reading connects you with the right people.

𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝟏𝟖-𝟓𝟓, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬…

1. Life doesn't wait for you to be okay. Get up everyday and keep pushing through.

2. Never force anyone to choose you. You'll learn the art to spend time alone

3. Master your emotions. A calm mind can handle any situation.

4. To avoid disappointment, you need to take people for who they're not for what you want them to be.

5. Everyone will show you who they're, just give them time

6. You're at peace with yourself when you mind your own business.

7. Ensure you take good care of yourself, if anything happens to you, the world will move on.

8. Nobody cares, work hard to get better everyday.

9. If you don't work to build your own dream, someone will hire you and give you a purpose.

10. Free yourself from the society's advice, most of them have no idea of what they're doing.

11. 30 years is too long to sit in an office being told what to do.

12. You shouldn't frequently take advice from people who're not where you want to be in life.

13. Life's is 100% better when no one know anything about you

14. You become 10x smarter when you quit the news and put politics out of your topics, unless it is your official occupation or it benefits you positively

15. You need to be smart enough to create your opportunities, don't wait for them to come to you.

10 Tips to Achieve Anything You Want in Life

1. Focus on commitment, not motivation.

Just how committed are you to your goal? How important is it for you, and what are you willing to sacrifice in order to achieve it? If you find yourself fully committed, motivation will follow.

2. Seek knowledge, not results.

If you focus on the excitement of discovery, improving, exploring and experimenting, your motivation will always be fueled. If you focus only on results, your motivation will be like weather—it will die the minute you hit a storm. So the key is to focus on the journey, not the destination. Keep thinking about what you are learning along the way and what you can improve.

3. Make the journey fun.

It’s an awesome game! The minute you make it serious, there’s a big chance it will start carrying a heavy emotional weight and you will lose perspective and become stuck again.

4. Get rid of stagnating thoughts.

Thoughts influence feelings and feelings determine how you view your work. You have a lot of thoughts in your head, and you always have a choice of which ones to focus on: the ones that will make you emotionally stuck (fears, doubts) or the ones that will move you forward (excitement, experimenting, trying new things, stepping out of your comfort zone).

5. Use your imagination.

Next step after getting rid of negative thoughts is to use your imagination. When things go well, you are full of positive energy, and when you are experiencing difficulties, you need to be even more energetic. So rename your situation. If you keep repeating I hate my work, guess which feelings those words will evoke? It’s a matter of imagination! You can always find something to learn even from the worst boss in the world at the most boring job. I have a great exercise for you: Just for three days, think and say positive things only. See what happens.

6. Stop being nice to yourself.

Motivation means action and action brings results. Sometimes your actions fail to bring the results you want. So you prefer to be nice to yourself and not put yourself in a difficult situation. You wait for the perfect timing, for an opportunity, while you drive yourself into stagnation and sometimes even into depression. Get out there, challenge yourself, do something that you want to do even if you are afraid.

7. Get rid of distractions.

Meaningless things and distractions will always be in your way, especially those easy, usual things you would rather do instead of focusing on new challenging and meaningful projects. Learn to focus on what is the most important. Write a list of time-wasters and hold yourself accountable to not do them.

8. Don’t rely on others.

You should never expect others to do it for you, not even your partner, friend or boss. They are all busy with their own needs. No one will make you happy or achieve your goals for you. It’s all on you.

9. Plan.

Know your three steps forward. You do not need more. Fill out your weekly calendar, noting when you will do what and how. When-what-how is important to schedule. Review how each day went by what you learned and revise what you could improve.

10. Protect yourself from burnout.

It’s easy to burn out when you are very motivated. Observe yourself to recognize any signs of tiredness and take time to rest. Your body and mind rest when you schedule relaxation and fun time into your weekly calendar. Do diverse tasks, keep switching between something creative and logical, something physical and still, working alone and with a team. Switch locations. Meditate, or just take deep breaths, close your eyes, or focus on one thing for five minutes.

You lack motivation not because you are lazy or don’t have a goal. Even the biggest stars, richest businesspeople or the most accomplished athletes get lost sometimes. What makes them motivated is the curiosity about how much better or faster they can get. So above all, be curious, and this will lead you to your goals and success.

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𝟏𝟎 lessons from the book 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤

1. Walk Your Talk
Whenever you say something, live by it. Let people know you as a person who does what he says he will do. Always walk your talk.

2. Have A Plan
No matter whats going on, always have a plan in life. Plan for the year. Plan for the next 2 years. Plan for the next 5 years. And plan for the next 20 years. Have a plan.

3. Carve A Niche For Yourself
Create a unique identity with what you do. Make sure you are known for doing something unique. Don’t get involved in what everyone is doing. Do something special.

4. Learn From Others Mistakes
A clever man learns from his own mistakes, but a wise man learns from others’ mistakes. Learn from the mistakes of others. Study how others made errors and commit to avoiding them.

5. Develop The Right Attitude
Be optimistic. Be positive. Share positivity with your colleagues, your friends and your acquaintance. The right attitude will attract you the right people to your life.

6. Cultivate a Smile
Smile when it’s getting tough. Smile when it’s hell. Smile no matter what.
And what sort of smile? Friendly, genuine—make sure it extends to your eyes—sincere, frank, honest, open, happy.

8. Be Cool
At work you should retain your cool at all times and, no matter what, never ever lose your dignity. If there’s an office costume party, you can laugh and joke with everyone else, but let them do the dressing up. You remain apart from all that office nonsense.

8. Speak Well
You can keep your regional accent; that’s not the problem. Look at why we speak—it is to communicate, to convey information—rather than how we speak. Speaking well means getting information across clearly and effectively. It doesn’t matter how you speak, but it does matter that you speak clearly

9. Stay Focused On Your Long Term Goals
You can’t afford to lose sight of your long-term goal for a second. For you there is no time off, no downtime, no loung-ing around time, no slipups, no mistakes, no accidental deviations from the script.

You have to become like a master criminal—they lead incredibly law-abiding lives because they can’t risk breaking a tiny law in case it draws attention to themselves and the really big crimes get revealed—and watch what you say and what you do.

10. Know Yourself—Strengths and Weaknesses
If you are going to be a winner, you have to be incredibly objective about yourself. A lot of people can’t do this; they can’t turn the spotlight on themselves objectively enough or brightly enough to see themselves as others see them. And it’s not just how others see us; it’s also how we see ourselves. We all carry a mental image of ourselves—what we look like and sound like, what makes us tick; how we work—but how realistic is this image?

Thank you for reading.

10 lessons from the Christian entrepreneur:

1. Start with a clear vision. What do you want to achieve with your business? What impact do you want to make? Once you know what you want, you can start to build a plan to make it happen.

2. Be passionate about your business. If you're not passionate about what you're doing, it will be hard to succeed. Find something that you're truly passionate about and let that passion drive you forward.

3. Be willing to work hard. Entrepreneurship is not easy. It takes hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Be prepared to put in the long hours and make sacrifices in order to achieve your goals.

4. Be honest and ethical. Do business in a way that is honest and ethical. This will build trust with your customers and partners, and it will help you to create a successful business that you can be proud of.

5. Be generous. Share your success with others. Give back to your community and help those in need. This will not only make you a better person, but it will also help you to build a strong reputation and attract new customers and partners.

6. Be humble. Don't let your success go to your head. Remember that you are where you are because of God's grace and the hard work of others. Stay humble and be grateful for all that you have.

7. Be teachable. Never stop learning. The business world is constantly changing, so it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. Be open to new ideas and be willing to learn from others.

8. Be persistent. Don't give up on your dreams. There will be times when things get tough, but if you keep going, you will eventually achieve your goals.

9. Be a good steward. Use your resources wisely. Be careful with your money and be mindful of the impact that your business has on the environment.

10. Trust God. Entrepreneurship is a journey, and it's important to remember that God is with you every step of the way. Trust in Him and He will help you to succeed.

I hope these lessons help you on your journey as a Christian entrepreneur.


Ten lessons from the book Quiet Leadership: Six Steps to Transforming Performance at Work by David Rock:

1. Leadership is about changing the way people think. The best leaders are those who can help people see the world in new ways and make better decisions.

2. The brain is wired for change. We are constantly learning and adapting, and our brains are designed to make new connections.

3. The best way to change people's thinking is to have conversations. Conversations can help people see different perspectives and make new connections.

4. The key to effective conversations is to focus on the process, not the content. The process of having a conversation is just as important as the content of the conversation.

5. Asking questions is more powerful than giving answers. When you ask questions, you help people think for themselves and come up with their own solutions.

6. Help people make their own decisions. When people make their own decisions, they are more likely to be committed to those decisions.

7. Create a safe environment for learning. People need to feel safe in order to learn and grow.

8. Celebrate small wins. When people achieve small wins, it helps them stay motivated and on track.

9. Be patient. It takes time for people to change their thinking.

10. Be persistent. Don't give up on people, even when they make mistakes.

These are just a few of the lessons that can be learned from Quiet Leadership. If you are a leader, I encourage you to read this book and learn how to use the power of conversation to change the way people think and achieve their full potential.

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1. There are many things more precious than money

It is easy to be enslaved by the mindset that money is the most imperative treasure in society. Money is always transient, just like most things in life. It comes and goes, but how much are you willing to pay for the fleeting pleasure? The consequences of a money-mentality are much more damaging than the value of money itself. Are you willing to put your mental, emotional, and physical well-being on the line? There are things more precious than money. Here are a few:
-Genuine connections
-A feeling of purpose
-Genuine concern for helping others
-Eddie says, “there are many things in this world that no amount of money will buy you, and some things are priceless beyond measure.”

2. Weakness can be turned into hatred

Weak people lack the ability to maintain any level of emotional intelligence. People who lack emotional intelligence and a strong sense of self are easily influenced to hate. Their values and convictions are not based on strong foundations; rather, they are proponents of radical causes. Hatred is a disease that consumes the human mind to the point of no return, causing significant harm to oneself and others.

“If enough people had stood up then come on Kristallnacht, and said, ‘enough what are you doing? What is wrong with you?’ then the course of history would have been different. but they did not. they were scared they were weak, and their weakness allowed them to be manipulated into hatred ” — Eddie Jaku

3. Tomorrow will come if you survive. one step at a time

The majority of people give up because they feel the suffering will never end. They relinquish control because their vision is clouded by minor inconveniences rather than the bigger picture.

“The closer you get to something, the blurrier it gets,” as the saying goes. Be well-rounded, logical, and foresighted. Nothing on it has the word “forever” written on it.

4. You can find kindness everywhere, even from strangers

If you take a step out of your own world for even a moment, you will notice that you are not alone. The most serious problem is that we cannot talk freely about ourselves, our lives, and our issues. You are not alone in the universe. There are people who would happily assist you if you were willing to be vulnerable.

5. One good friend

“The greatest thing you will ever do is be loved by another person” — repeat this sentence until you realise that love and friendship are the best medicine.

I cannot emphasise this enough, especially to young people. Without friendship, a human being is lost. A friend is someone who reminds you to feel alive.

6. Education is a lifesaver

I do not mean formal education when I use the word “education”. Yes, formal education is fantastic and brings great opportunities, but life education is much more critical. Understanding the laws of human nature, being mindful of worldviews, and knowing how to connect so that your voice is heard are all examples of life education. To be self-sufficient and not depend on others for a good life.

You may not be able to change the world because it is beyond your power, but you can change yourself. Change is possible, despite what you can believe, but it requires discipline.

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10 Lessons from the book "We are the change we seek" by E.J. Dionne Jr.

1. Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.

2. Hope is not blind optimism. It is that stubborn faith that if we work hard enough, if we keep fighting, we can create a better world for our children.

3. The measure of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.

4. Change is never easy, but always possible. It requires sacrifice, determination, and a willingness to stand up for what we believe in.

5. We must reject the politics of division and fear, and embrace the politics of unity and hope.

6. We are all bound together in a great tapestry of life, and what affects one directly, affects all indirectly.

7. The greatest threat to our democracy is not from those outside our borders, but from those who seek to undermine it from within.

8. We cannot solve the challenges of our time alone, but only together, as one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

9. We must be the we wish to see in the world. It starts with each of us taking responsibility for our own actions and choices.

10. The arc of the moral universe may be long, but it bends towards justice. And it is up to us to bend it faster, and in a better direction.

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