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Here are ten lessons from Change by Damon Centola:

1. Start with small changes. Don't try to change everything at once. Start with small, incremental changes that you can stick with.

2. Make it easy to change. The easier it is to change, the more likely you are to do it. Make sure the changes you want to make are easy to implement and follow through on.

3. Find social support. Having people in your corner who support your changes can make a big difference. Find friends, family, or a community that can help you stay on track.

4. Celebrate your successes. When you make a change, take the time to celebrate your success. This will help you stay motivated and make it more likely that you'll stick with the change.

5. Don't be afraid to fail. Everyone fails at some point. Don't let a setback discourage you from continuing to make changes. Learn from your mistakes and keep moving forward.

6. Be patient. Change takes time. Don't expect to see results overnight. Be patient and persistent, and you will eventually reach your goals.

7. Be flexible. Things don't always go according to plan. Be prepared to adjust your changes as needed.

8. Don't give up. Change is hard, but it's worth it. Don't give up on your goals. Keep working hard and you will eventually succeed.

9. Help others change. When you help others change, you're also helping yourself. By sharing your experiences and supporting others, you can create a positive ripple effect that will make the world a better place.

10. Remember, change is possible. If you want to change, you can. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Believe in yourself and take the first step.

DON'T BE IN A HURRY, WAIT ON GOD || Apostle Joshua Selman

Do you know that the higher you rise, the stricter the standard of your dealings with God? If you know this, you won't be in a hurry.
There are things others will do and go Scott free, when you do same things God can deal with you ruthlessly.

Have you learnt how to manage pain, rejection and disappointments?
Have you learnt how to navigate your way when it seems as though God is silent and not answering your prayer?
Do you know the spiritual keys to apply when it seems nothing is working?
Do you know there was a time in my life that I asked God questions because of the pain and challenges in my life but God never said anything?

Let me tell you something about God.
You can go through so much pain, you will prophesy someone's solution and never hear your own solution from God. You will finish fasting over some thing and God will not answer but as soon as someone else comes, the gift glows and you solve their problems and then God says oya you come let's continue our dealing.
You can be in a season with God that everybody is moving and you want to move and God will say you wait...You will wonder why you are still here waiting..but it is that time that you can lift up your hands with tears in your eyes and say Lord I still honour you..regardless of what am going through.
When God asks you to stay, please stay.. there is power in waiting on God.. He restores 10 years in 1 year
Waiting is hard especially when God doesn't give you reason..but this is the highest form of maturity.. there is power in waiting

May God give you the strength to wait on Him!


1. Reflect on your values and strengths: Understand what truly matters to you and what you excel at to align your work with your passions and talents.
2. Embrace experimentation: Try out different roles, projects, and industries to discover what energizes and fulfills you professionally.
3. Seek work-life integration: Strive to find a balance between work and personal life, integrating them in a way that allows you to thrive in both areas.
4. Cultivate resilience: Develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances in your work life.
5. Leverage your network: Build meaningful connections and seek support from mentors, colleagues, and professionals in your industry.
6. Focus on incremental progress: Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate each milestone along the way.
7. Embrace a growth mindset: Adopt a mindset that views challenges as opportunities for growth and believes in your capacity to develop new skills.
8. Design your own career path: Take an active role in shaping your professional journey instead of relying solely on traditional career paths or expectations.
9. Emphasize purpose and meaning: Find work that aligns with your values and allows you to make a positive impact on others or society as a whole.
10. Prioritize self-care: Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being to sustain your productivity and happiness in the long term

"Mind management not time management

1. Being productive today isn't about time management, it's about mind management.

2. Time management optimizes the resource of time. Mind management optimizes the resource of creative energy.

3. Not all hours are created equal: If you write for an hour a day, within a year you'll have a book. But you can't instead simply write for 365 hours straight, and get the same result.

4. The First Hour Rule is simply this: Spend the first hour of your day working on your most important project.

5. If you start your day working on the most important thing, there's less of a chance for other things to get in the way.

6. Sometimes your mind is better-suited to think creatively. Sometimes your mind is better-suited to think analytically.

7. The point of time is not to fill as much life as possible into a given unit of time. The point of time is to use time as a guide to living a fulfilling life.

8. A one-hour increase in average daily sleep raises productivity by more than a one-year increase in education.

9. When you randomly switch from one activity to another, your energy leaks...If you're doing that all the time, little of your energy is going toward traction.

10. A Harvard study found that the busier knowledge workers were, the less creative they were; this study found that as workers became more busy , they did less creative thinking activities such as; brainstorming. They reported fewer insights and their work was also rated as less creative by their colleagues .

11. Noise level can also affect your ability to think creatively...studies suggest that a background noise level of about seventy decibels is optimal for idea generation.

12. Things are not difficult to make; what is difficult is putting ourselves in the state of mind to make them."

Keep following Daily Delight l. For more!


Anyone that is standing, anyone that is making impact, is not doing it just because he is strong, but because he is being helped by God.

Prayer is part of our existence. In the bible, it was recorded that men ought always to pray and not to faint, so one of the ways to recognize things in the spirit realm is through prayers.

If you are not praying, then you are not a man, because men ought always to pray, and not to faint.

One of the reasons why we should pray is because of our intimacy with God. Prayer is not request based, it is intimacy based, because if pray based on request, when the request is over, you will stop praying.

Real prayers begin when you stop asking, because when you stop asking, you are actually beginning a journey of intimacy with God.

One of the reasons we should pray is not because we want answers, but because, there is a carving and longing within us that nothing can satisfy, except the presence of God.

You need to understand that prayer is not a means through which you can shop from God, rather it is a means through which we can strengthen our relationship with God through intimacy.

God wants to bring people to himself, because he wants to have an intimacy with them.

Prayer is an access point into the spirit realm and also realm of intimacy, when a man begins to pray, the more God will become more real to him, when a man begins to pray, then the possibility of walking and working with God is high.

Intimacy is a heritage, that is inherited through prayer, and when a man begins to pray, the power to rule will descend upon him.

Are you able to embrace your growing age?

As we celebrate our birthdays, many of us also worry about ageing. Worrying age us even more, but if we accept every phase of life and start enjoying it, we are able to make the most of every stage of life.

If you are ever concerned about your growing age, try to stay positive, look after your health and well-being, and think well of others. You will remain happy, and a happy person lives a more fulfilling life.

If you are born in the month of July, a very happy birthday, and if you are celebrating a special day this month, sending wishes to you.



Motivation is the driving force that assists you in achieving your aim. Motivational speeches and books create an optimistic impact on your thinking as they boost your self-esteem and help you cultivate an optimistic outlook in life. Books from eminent authors help you realize your potential and power in life. If you look at best-selling books, you will understand that they have enough motivation and inspiration guidelines. These books are beneficial and work as a life-changing mechanism.

Regain faith in miracles and hard work

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You are not alone.

Inspirational books help you regain self-confidence and self-esteem. When you read stories of people who had similar circumstances and the way they overcame the challenges, it gives you a sense of confidence. You feel content and happy and regain faith in your potential. You start to realize that you are not alone, and others have faced the challenges and emerged victoriously.

Learn from others

Biographies help you learn from your mistakes. You understand the other person’s perspective when you read more. When you see how other individuals cope up with their challenges, it gives you a valuable lesson.

Learn from failure

Never take a set back as a negative factor. Failure is not an obstacle, instead of a stepping stone towards success. Motivational books assist you in realizing your talent and understanding that failure is only a stepping stone. It would help if you develop an optimistic outlook, and that is what inspirational books convey.

Broadens your horizon.

By creating a positive outlook, motivational books broaden your view of life. You regain motivation and confidence and do better in every field. You start understanding that your opportunities are broad, and you did not realize it. It gives you a new perspective towards life and helps you move forward with confidence.

It helps you understand others and empathize.

Books give you an insight into the feelings, emotions, and views of others. They are like a treasure trove that is nurturing and effective relationships form the basis of life. When you read books, they expose you to a new world of possibilities. You start understanding others and their viewpoint. Motivational books help you undertake a profitable deal to cherish for life.

By consuming essential points from inspirational books, you contribute to your development. It helps you understand life better for leading a stress-free lifestyle. If you need motivation and inspiration in your life, you can listen to the speeches of world leaders and read their biographies. You never know; it can be life-changing and lead you towards a bright and happy future. These best-selling books contribute towards society and humankind for their betterment. They are also available online. Some applications help you read books effortlessly, and you may grab them for your convenience. Thus, there is a lot to learn.

10 Lessons from the book "Thanks" by Robert A. Emmons:

1. Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others.

2. Grateful people are happier, more resilient, and less stressed.

3. A conscious focus on gratitude is a hallmark of emotionally and mentally healthy individuals.

4. Gratitude is a powerful antidote to negative emotions, such as envy, resentment, and regret.

5. Gratitude shifts attention away from what we lack to what we have, from what we can't do to what we can do, and from who we are not to who we are.

6. Gratitude connects us to others, creates positive emotions, and fosters kindness and generosity.

7. Gratitude helps us to appreciate the present moment, find joy in the simple things, and savor life's experiences.

8. Gratitude is an essential component of a meaningful and fulfilling life.

9. Gratitude is a practice that can be cultivated, and the more we practice it, the more natural it becomes.

10. Gratitude is a way of living that brings us closer to our true nature and our purpose in life.
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