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Making Time For Her Won't Stop You From Making Money.

Sir....Look, It's okay to have a job that keeps you busy all the time, or work in a place where you're not allowed to have your phone with you, it's totally okay, and your partner will have to understand that most of the time you can't call or really communicate during working hours, until the end of the day.

But Imagine this.....

Imagine if she gets a good morning call from you at 7am, when she knows you resume for work at 8am.

Imagine if you take some minutes to call her on your lunch break to find out how her day was going.

Imagine if she gets a lovely text from you at 2pm saying you're just thinking about her; when she knows it is supposed to be your busiest working hours.

Imagine if she knows you're calling to check on her from the bathroom in your office; because you don't want to get caught on the phone when you're supposed to be working.

Imagine if you call her at 4pm asking if she needs anything since you'll be stopping by to see her.

How about getting a surprise lunch or gift pack delivered at her office with your name on it?

How do you think she would feel hearing from you at an unexpected time of the day?

Would it not be appreciated?
Would it not be nice to know that inspite of your busy schedule(s) you're still finding time in between to make her a part of your day?

Most times people just give excuses when they're not ready to commit to anyone, they just want to sit on the fence and expect you to sit with them, saying... "am too busy with work"... Yes you're too busy indeed, but not with work, you're just too busy to water what you have got, too busy to build on it, too busy to make the effort, too busy to let your partner know that she still matters to you inspite of your job.

A relationship becomes boring when communication becomes a predicted routine.
.....For God's sake she doesn't want to throw her phone away during the day because you are not going to call her until 8pm when you're home, she wants you to surprise her, she wants you both to make time for each other in between the busy hours of work.

Don't make irrelevant excuses that wasn't present right from the beginning of your affair.

Let's tell ourselves the truth for once and Shame the devil. No one is too busy.


Hello Sir/Ma,

If someone is making an effort to love you, pushing off the barriers to do for you what you have not been doing for them. Calling even when you haven't called in a while. Texting to say good night even when they were the one that called to say good morning. Buying you little gifts even when they get nothing from you. It's a whole lot of commitment dear.

Do not take too long to start doing for them too. Do not wait for that call to call them back and talk all day. Text, text and text them at unexpected hours of the day to water the efforts they have been putting in for you. Realise that all that person is trying to do is make the relationship work, and they are willing to let go of the differences that exist between you two, they are willing to overlook the fact that you have not been nice to them lately, and they are doing the best they can to keep the relationship alive.

The best you can do is love them back. Do for them in return. They deserve to receive the kind of love they give. They deserve to be fought for the same way they are fighting for you.

And the SECOND BEST THING you can do is let them know you have moved on if you're no longer interested in fighting for the relationship, rather than let them fight alone. If they no longer deserve your love, at least they deserve a REST.


Women will tell you they want a lot of things.
But there’s one thing women want from you above and beyond all else: your ATTENTION.

They can want this attention to take various forms.

“Will You Please Look at Me?”

"How do I look?"

"You didn't tell me my hair is beautiful"

"Won't you ask me how my day was?"

"You're not talking to me like you used to"

"Did you miss me?"

Some women want you to be smitten with them.

Some women want you to chase after them.

Some women want you to feel like you could never have them (yet pine after them regardless).

Some women just want you to think they’re amazing.

But the one thing all women have in common is that they want you to notice them, look at them, and pay them attention.

As a man, this is important for you to understand. They do it in different way but All they seek is to have you notice them, listen to them, and invest your time and energy into them. Attention and affection are non-negotiables in loving your woman. Continually affirming her beauty and your attraction to her is a wise thing to do to your woman. Treating your woman right intentionally helps her bond deeper with you. Making sacrifices for your woman transmits a message that she's worth more than mere words. Giving your woman attention and affection tells her you value her and can spend your worth on her. Putting your woman down in words or by actions is an act of wickedness. You're to nurture her not torture her.

A woman wants healthy and loving attention, and she wants it often.

If she doesn't receive it, she will get the attention in a negative way - by causing drama or starting a fight.

This is not a desire sprung from weakness, but from an impulse to grow. For a woman, healthy attention is like food and water: If she doesn't get it, she won't grow - and think about it, when we stop growing, we die. To a woman, attention is as critical to her existence as food and water. Just as you need air to breath, and water to drink. Your love affair needs consistent ATTENTION to blossom. Any woman that doesn't demand for your attention is not emotionally connected to you, and any man that makes you beg for his attention at all time is not ready for you and such a man will frustrate and drain you emotionally. If the love is genuine, you won't have to beg for it. If you need to fight for his attention, affection and assurance, you're with the wrong man.

V I C E - V E R S A



While a Man will primarily need to control his TEMPER for a Marriage to be peaceful, a Woman needs to control her TONGUE.

The average Woman is gifted with verbal power, and power is a double edged sword. It can HEAL and it can KILL.

Some Ladies, without exaggerating, their mouth no good, lemme rephrase that, "they have bad mouth."

If you see them talking to their Fiancee or Husband, you'll feel sorry for the Man.

And when the Man can't match up with her powerful lines and lyrics of insult and abuse, and he lacks self control or has anger issues, he'll resort to physical abuse. (Though that's not a justification) or he'll withdraw from her..


A Stubborn Woman is a Woman with a spirit of Rebellion and sadly enough, Marriage (to the average Man) is the wrong place for such a spirit.

A Woman who hates been told what to do by ANYONE, except it comes from her mind to do it .

A Woman who doesn't do well with authority.

A Woman who detests humility & obedience, and does only what is in her mind to do, every other suggestion or request no matter the reason(s) is rubbish to her,

This type of Woman will turn any Relationship or Marriage she enters (no matter how peaceful the Man is) into to a War Zone. You can count the numbers of time they have peace but you cannot count the numbers of time they quarrel, argue & fight.

A stubborn Woman is the equivalent of a Proud Man, like a wild horse, she takes no instruction, but she can give.

Dear Lady,
Bridle your Tongue & Tame your Heart.

(Of course, Men can also learn from this and adjust where necessary)



One of the things every real wife does for her husband is to pray for and with him. This is the foundation of standing with him. When you do this, you submit your marriage to God and his power. You resist the devil and put him in his place. You influence your husband from the place of prayer.

Pray for him to Succeed in the office.
Pray for him to succeed in his business.
Pray for him not to fall into Temptation.
Pray for his safety.
Pray for his Ministry.
Pray for his Health.

God honors the Prayer of a Wife over her Husband.

Don't allow him pray alone
Don't allow him carry the fire alone.


Hello, Dear Wifey,
Is not only to get pregnant and born children,
You can see vision for your husband,
You can give him prophecies too.

Don't allow Dstv or Zee World kídnap you

Don't be spiritually complacent and leave the praying and fasting only for your husband,

As he's speaking in tongues, be replying in tongues, let the whole house be on fire..
God punísh the Dèvil.

Let him see in you a spiritual companion.
And see how that improves your home and his spiritual life.


Proverbs 18:21 "Déath and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof."

This is almost similar as praying for him, but still different.

Instead of laying curses on him,
Instead of abusing him,
Heap blessings upon his head daily.

Draw him close to your bosom and bless him as a Parent blesses the Child.

Kiss his forehead and decree over him "because you Married Me, you will not fail, you will talk where your mates are talking, our children will be great Men and Women"
You will sit before kings. Life will never frustrate you. You'll go out & come back home blessed. You'll not fail in your place of assignment & responsibility as the head of the family. "I LOVE YOU" is a powerful Amen!


When things are rough & tough, a good Wife should never be amongst those to crucify, talk down, lambaste or talk discouragingly to her Husband.

Remember what Lot told his wife "has thou become like the the foolish Women"?

Don't be like the foolish Woman

Give your Husband words of encouragement daily.
Even if he's not meeting up, believe me, he's making effort, he knows he's falling short, he feels the pain, he may not talk, please encourage him. Tell him you'll never give up on him. Tell him not to give up on himself or God.

Tell him you see his sacrifices daily,
Tell him you appreciate his efforts towards you and the kids.


Be his cheer leader
Cheer him to success

Tell him you believe in him,
Tell him he can do it, even if you don't believe, never break his will to try.
Tell him he will make it in life
Tell him he will be a great Man
Tell him you saw the great potentials, that's why you married him.

So he's secured a major achievement,
And he seems to be relaxing,

Fire him Up once more. Push me to go farther.

Do not allow your husband become complacent.
Tell him, "honey you can do even better"
Be his hunger to do more.
Let him take one look at you and receive motivation to go out there and conquer the World.

Let him leave the house feeling like nothing is impossible for him.


Apostle Joshua Selman said and i quote
"You are not the only farmer in the realm of the Spirit"

It was written in the Bible that while men slept, an enemy that is also a farmer came and sow tares.

That farm is your life and while you sleep (spiritually) the enemy call the devil can come to sow tares, and when many people wake up to see the tares that the enemy sow, they ignorantly reap it.

Oh! Didn't the Bible say that "Whatever a man sow, he shall reap"

So, if you did not sow it, you are not meant to reap it.
Why then are you accepting to reap what you did not sow in your life?

The devil came and sow terrible challenges in your life.
You wake up one morning and things are going awry, left, right, centre, everything is not working, and you are applying the principles of the kingdom.

Rather than engaging priesthood and refusing to accept the harvest of a seed you did not sow, many reluctantly accept to reap seeds sown by the enemy.

Many times the Enemy will come and sow tares of discord in your Family.
He will come and sow tares of depression in your life.
He will come and sow tares of rebellion in your children.
He will come and sow tares of challenges in your business and career.

The devil will always try to sow tares in your life and expect you to reap it ignorantly or reluctantly but no, you are not ignorant of his devises.

You understand priesthood.
Whenever you wake up and see seeds in your life that you did not sow, seeds that have the signature of the enemy,engage priesthood and boldly declare.



Every woman knows when you're giving her maximum attention and when the attention drops by an inch, she will know something is wrong.
Women don't want money as much as they want the attention of the man they love. The man they love I said. Believe me, when a lady is deeply into you, she needs your time, she'll have stories to tell you about how her day went, sometimes boring stories, sometimes things that don't tickle your interest but you just have to listen, you just have to smile along with the rubbish you think she is saying. Show her that you care about her by listening to her especially when she's talking too much.

She's no longer that tough lady you used to know when you were wooing her. Now that she's in love with you, she'll likely gonna act like a child, always saying something. You just have to be soft and always listen even when you're tired..
Sometimes it'll be annoying and very boring but you have to be mature and act like a father, not just a lover.

If you know the amount of passes your woman withstands out there, you'll review how much attention and affection you're giving her. A lot of men assume that married women are immune to temptation and this has made them quite reckless with being emotionally present for their spouses. I'm not justifying her to have any affair but are you making it easy for her to overcome the temptation that they face? Do you even know that they face it? This misplaced way of thinking is why you'll see men marry a woman, travel else where, have multiple women there and expect the 'log of wood' called woman that he put at home to face no temptation. No matter what her specific love language is, a wife wants RELATIONSHIP to be happy in marriage. This requires giving attention which builds the affection. If you're not involved, no matter what you provide, nothing will fill up that void.

See, There will be more issues in your relationship if you lessen your attention to your lady. The attention lubricates the relationship. It makes her feel she's yours. But when you're too busy with your life and issues not even to listen to her, no matter the money you give her, sure thing is that she'll collect the money 😂 but deep in her she knows you're far from her and she'll feel unfulfilled. If Adam was spending time with Eve, she won't have had time to talk with snake. Give your babe ATTENTION.

I hear a lot of people saying women love money but on the long run a lot of women discover that money can't replace a man's attention; his pure care and affection.

She needs your time..
Your listening ears.
That's not too much to ask for.


