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Can I talk to the sisters, of cause you cannot think that you are going to escape. Sisters from the depth of my heart take this because I love you.

There are 3 dimensions to every Woman and you must not fail in any of them;
The Heart of a Wife.
The Heart of a Mother.
The Heart of a Minister.

If you fail in any of these dimensions then you have failed in your destiny.

There is the dimension of every woman as a wife, it describes the scope of your ministry to your husband and your husband alone, not men, there is the Heart of a mother defines the jurisdiction of your ministry to both your children, both spiritually physically and the people that God will connect you with and there is the Heart of a Minister, defines the scope of your assignment and that which you have been sent to do. You can be an effective minister and a bad wife.

The Bible says in Proverbs 18:22 Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.He didn't say finding the woman makes her a wife, you must be a wife first to be found. The word wife, wife is a quality and not a personality, it is not marriage that makes a woman a wife, he that finds a woman who is already a wife has found a good thing, many men found women, but they didn't find good things, can I talk to you please.

The average ladies concept of relationship right now is that I am beautiful and a young man will just come an carry me, keeps spending money on me, buy things for me, you know where we learnt it, our Nigerian films, i don't insult our media body but that's it, they show it there, the guy is always kneeling down and crawling and running to the lady and her concept of marriage is entering rest and joy, and you look at lady who will see a small child fall down or pupu and she's ashamed, this is a Lady who wants to be a mother, she cannot even pick up that child, don't worry I'm your friend, when I flog you we'll reconcile, I love you too much to leave your destiny the way it is.

There are many of us right now, the concept that we have about marriage is very troubling, disturbing and it's very interesting, but God needs to help us, hallelujah. Anything you are not taught you will not excel in, many people guess how motherhood should be, they guess how womanhood should be, but I want to challenge all the ladies here, make quality investments in your life, they are tape, they are books, they are so many things, many of us ideally from scripture, our parent have supposed to have taught and mentored us unfortunately, and I say this with all due respect, but it is true that unfortunately the generation before us in many ways have failed our generation, is that true, and so we are standing in between a generation that is in error and a generation that is yet unborn, and we must be able to pass through the pain for the sake of the generation that is unborn.

There are many virtues that we grew up knowing that had been thrown out of the church today, a lady can be sitting right now, and some men will come and she's still balancing and when they share food in church, they finish eating, the plates are there and she's gisting among guys among guys and just laughing around, instead of her to get up and pack the plates and one brother that has been praying and say lord speak to me, when he sees that lack of manner he says no way, he's plotting he's graph and he's saying 20 years with this kind of life, I am not prepared.

Sisters say after me, in the name of Jesus, I'm a woman of excellence, in the name of Jesus, I'm a woman of virtue, I'm a woman of grace, I'm a woman of power, I'm a blessing to my husband, to my children, they will call me blessed for the hand of the Lord is upon me. Amen.

©Apostle Joshua Selman

𝟏𝟎 𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 '𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐨𝐢𝐜' 𝐁𝐲 𝐑𝐲𝐚𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐝𝐚𝐲

1. Today, make sure you take a walk. And in the future, when you get stressed or overwhelmed, take a walk. Take a walk when you have a tough problem to solve or a decision to make. When you want to be creative, take a walk. When you need to get some air, take a walk. When you have a phone call to make, take a walk. When you need some exercise, take a long walk. Take a walk together when you have a meeting or a friend over. Nourish yourself and your mind and solve your problems along the way.

2. Failure is a part of life we have little choice over. Learning from failure, on the other hand, is optional. We have to choose to learn.

3. The next time you face a political dispute or a personal disagreement, ask yourself: Is there any reason to fight about this? Is arguing going to help solve anything? Would an educated or wise person really be as quarrelsome as you might initially be inclined to be?

4. How you handle even minor adversity might seem like nothing, but, in fact, it reveals everything.

5. No need to be too hard on yourself. Hold yourself to a higher standard but not an impossible one. And forgive yourself if and when you slip up.

6. “It is possible to curb your arrogance, to overcome pleasure and pain, to rise above your ambition, and to not be angry with stupid and ungrateful people—yes, even to care for them.” —MARCUS AURELIUS

7. Do your job today. Whatever happens, whatever other people’s jobs happen to
be, do yours. Be good.

8. Why do we read? We’re not trying to ace tests or impress teachers. We are reading and studying to live and be good human beings—always and forever.

9. “In your actions, don’t procrastinate. In your conversations, don’t confuse. In your thoughts, don’t wander. In your soul, don’t be passive or aggressive. In your life, don’t be all about business.” —MARCUS AURELIUS

10. Great teachers are usually hardest on their most promising students. When teachers see potential, they want it to be fully realized. But great teachers also know that natural ability and quick comprehension can be quite dangerous to the student if left alone. An early promise can lead to overconfidence and create bad habits. Those who pick things up quickly are notorious for skipping the basic lessons and ignoring the fundamentals.

Don’t get carried away. Take it slow. Train with humility.

Thanks for sharing this.... 🙂❤️It is highly appreciated. 👍😄🙂☺️😊
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Give No Room To Anger
Sister never marry a man who declares that he fears no one! He is a dangerous man on 2 feet! If he lays hands on you as a girlfriend;

Chances are very high he will murder you as a wife! A man who does not control his temper is like a city whose wall is broken down.

Prov. 25:28. ~ Many people struggle with a quick or fiery temper. Although society often encourages people to express themselves and not hold back,

God’s Word teaches that giving in to one’s temper is a sin. Quick temper destroys or take the best out of us and is a bad way of dealing with hurt or showing disapproval.

It doesn't matter how brilliant, beautiful, handsome, educated etc you are, if you fail to deal with anger you'll fail to succeed in life.

A quick tempered person is like a city with a broken wall or a country without protection, therefore prone to attacks.

With the Holy Spirit in our lives, we will show the fruit of His work inside us. Some of the fruits of the Spirit are peace, patience, and self-control and these are essential to controlling the tendency to lose our temper.

You're called by God for tremendous works but your inability to control your temper will destroy you. Wake up and allow the Holy Spirit to work in you in controlling your temper.

Surrender your emotions to God and watch what you read, watch and who you speak to as they can spark anger. Have a great day in calmness.

Any relationship that isn't adding something valuable to where you're going in life is a distraction, a set back or better still, a self interest plan which involves pleasure and material gains. We all should have direction and vision... Its pertinent. Every relationship we must get into should help us speed to our destination.

Relationship is a platform of helping one another, growing together and learning together, it's a time to hone our skills, two is better than one, so if you need to be 'TWO' then the other one must be willing to make you better.

Don't just jump into it cos you think we all have to be dating. Define every relationship you want to get into, understand its purpose, and why you shouldn't miss it.

• The person in your life matters..
• Understand why it should be priority..
• The content of our time today births our destiny..
• The one you share your time with determines your destiny..
• What have you gained since you started dating him?
• What have you gained since you started dating her?
...I don't mean money, food, drinks, the phones! That's all tangible things.. I mean things that cannot be defeated; Knowledge, Value, impact, Information and great virtues that cannot be easily reversed.

Are you getting better at doing something positive ever since you knew them?

Hey! it's time to take stock, reevaluate and understand who's draining the power in you, it might be that person you're dating, but blinded with sentiments of your emotions and feelings you cannot see that.

Forget about how you'll feel when you let them go, feelings don't last forever... You might feel bad even when you're doing what's good because what's good isn't always easy. If you don't make best decision now that you're in the position of favor, you'll make difficult corrections from the position of labor.

Top 6 lessons learned from the book "The Happiest Man On Earth"

1. There are many things more precious than money

It is easy to be enslaved by the mindset that money is the most imperative treasure in society. Money is always transient, just like most things in life. It comes and goes, but how much are you willing to pay for the fleeting pleasure? The consequences of a money-mentality are much more damaging than the value of money itself. Are you willing to put your mental, emotional, and physical well-being on the line? There are things more precious than money. Here are a few:

-Genuine connections
-A feeling of purpose
-Genuine concern for helping others

-Eddie says, “there are many things in this world that no amount of money will buy you, and some things are priceless beyond measure.”

2. Weakness can be turned into hatred

Weak people lack the ability to maintain any level of emotional intelligence. People who lack emotional intelligence and a strong sense of self are easily influenced to hate. Their values and convictions are not based on strong foundations; rather, they are proponents of radical causes. Hatred is a disease that consumes the human mind to the point of no return, causing significant harm to oneself and others.

“If enough people had stood up then come on Kristallnacht, and said, ‘enough what are you doing? What is wrong with you?’ then the course of history would have been different. but they did not. they were scared they were weak, and their weakness allowed them to be manipulated into hatred ” — Eddie Jaku

3. Tomorrow will come if you survive. one step at a time

The majority of people give up because they feel the suffering will never end. They relinquish control because their vision is clouded by minor inconveniences rather than the bigger picture.

“The closer you get to something, the blurrier it gets,” as the saying goes. Be well-rounded, logical, and foresighted. Nothing on it has the word “forever” written on it.

4. you can find kindness everywhere, even from strangers

If you take a step out of your own world for even a moment, you will notice that you are not alone. The most serious problem is that we cannot talk freely about ourselves, our lives, and our issues. You are not alone in the universe. There are people who would happily assist you if you were willing to be vulnerable.

5. One good friend

“The greatest thing you will ever do is be loved by another person” — repeat this sentence until you realise that love and friendship are the best medicine.

I cannot emphasise this enough, especially to young people. Without friendship, a human being is lost. A friend is someone who reminds you to feel alive.

6. Education is a lifesaver

I do not mean formal education when I use the word “education”. Yes, formal education is fantastic and brings great opportunities, but life education is much more critical. Understanding the laws of human nature, being mindful of worldviews, and knowing how to connect so that your voice is heard are all examples of life education. To be self-sufficient and not depend on others for a good life.

You may not be able to change the world because it is beyond your power, but you can change yourself. Change is possible, despite what you can believe, but it requires discipline.


You need to take your marital life super serious to get the sweet result you want. Enough of folding your arms, watching and waiting for things to happen. Nothing happens except age, frustration and pain.

Am I castigating you? Nay! God forbid!

I waited many years for certain things in my life to shift! Nothing changed! Absolutely nothing till I took the bull by the born, gather relevant information, read, applied the truth and couldn't believe the result I got with so much ease and no stress! No stress at all! This happened just last week and I am still enjoying the result of my sweet discovery!

Before Dewunmi came into my life, I prepared to attract the best spouse for me and have the best courtship and marriage ever! When he showed up, we hit it off powerfully and marriage has been so sweet and super rosy!

Your basic relationship problem may be caused by ignorance and you may just be one book away from your promised land! Never joke with the power of knowledge! Never! Ignorance is darkness! Knowledge is light! Whatever keeps you away from knowledge will keep your life in the dark! Every aspect of your life will be filled with unnecessary struggles and frustration

Read, connect with your soul mate and enjoy marital bliss for life!

I keep giving out powerful life changing books at fantastic, sometimes, ridiculously low prices to encourage my people to read, some jumped at the rare opportunities and got amazing results with life changing testimonies. Some keep waiting for the offer to repeat itself -it never does! Each offer I make is different. The price keep going higher every time! Don't wait till you are overwhelmed before getting them. Be quick. Be swift. Be smart!

Another one is right here now! Get 8 life transforming books worth #20,000 at #6,000 only and change your life and relationship forever! You read that right, just six thousand naira only.

It's not going to last forever. It's for the first 10 persons who are serious about changing their stories for good this year!

Remember, 10! If you come late, I'm very sorry you missed it!

May you not miss great opportunities when they show up unannounced!

© Seun Oladele, 2023.


1. Make it easy to start

The easier it is to begin your new habit, the more likely you will stick with it.

If you want to start running, for instance, don't make a goal of running 5 miles a day.
Start by going for a short walk around the block.

Once that becomes easy, add more each time until you're up to your goal.

2. Form a cue or trigger

Cues are habits that trigger other habits.

For example, brushing your teeth is a cue that triggers the habit of flossing.

If you want to form a new habit, find an existing cue that you can use to trigger it.

3. Create a craving

When you have a craving for something, you're more likely to act on it.

So if you want to form a new habit, find a way to create a craving for it.

For example, if you want to eat healthily, ensure healthy snacks are visible and easily accessible.

4. Make it satisfying

The more satisfying your new habit is, the more likely you will stick with it.

If you're trying to eat healthily, make sure you're eating foods you enjoy and filling you up.

5. Set a goal

Goals give you something to strive for and help keep you motivated.

When setting a goal for your new habit, make sure it's specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

6. Set a deadline

If you want to make sure you stick with your new habit, set a deadline for yourself.

For example, if you want to start working out, make a goal of working out three times a week for six weeks.

7. Make a plan

When you have a plan, you're more likely to follow your habits.

So if you want to make sure you're sticking to your new habit, plan how you will do it.

The first plan you make likely won't work, so adjust it as needed.

8. Get an accountability partner

Having someone to keep you accountable can be a great way to make sure you're sticking to your habits.

Find someone with a similar goal and check in with each other regularly to see how you're doing.

9. Reward yourself

When you reach your goals, reward yourself!

This will help motivate you to keep going and make it more likely that you'll stick with your habits.

The reward can be big or small; it doesn't matter as long as it's unique.

10. Keep track of your progress

Tracking your progress is a great way to stay motivated and on track with your habits.

Use a journal or app to track your new habit and how well you're doing.

This will help you see your progress and keep moving forward.


Keep dating your wife. Keep courting her. Keep pursuing her like you did before. Keep making her feel treasured and special. Keep choosing her above friends and family.

Keep honoring her, respecting her and cherishing her above all others. Keep admiring her and keep telling her “You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you.”

(Songs of Solomon 4:7) You chose her out of the billions of women in the world; therefore keep loving her and keep focusing on her like you did before you married her. Keep forsaking all others and keep reserving yourself only for her.

“Enjoy life with your beloved wife during all the days of your fleeting life that God has given you on earth during all your fleeting days; for that is your reward in life and in your burdensome work on earth.”