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Blaming Destroys Marriages:
Marriage would be wonderful if spouses took personal responsibility for their actions and owned up to their mistakes.

Sadly, in marriage most spouses constantly blame each other for the failure of their marriages. For her failure to submit to her husband, the wife blames the husband for failing to love her as Christ loved the church.

For his failure to love her, the husband blames the wife’s lack of respect. Blaming is the easiest way to escape responsibility. “Adam said, "The woman whom You gave to be with me, she gave me from the tree, and I ate."

Eve said, "The serpent deceived me, and I ate." (Genesis 3:12-13) Remember, what you blame your spouse for; you don’t have the power to change in you. Every temptation to blame others is an opportunity to change self.

Regardless of your spouse’s percentage of wrong, accept the fact that you’re imperfect and that you also have a part to play in the current sate of your marriage. Let your motto be, “lasting change begins with me.” Let your song be, “change my heart oh God.”

Soul Ties : What Are They ?
Paul who wrote much of the new testament wrote about it and sexual sin. They're are a few different places you can go for more info on this .

The scriptures that deal with this would be 1 Corinthians 6:15 Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself ? Shall then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute ?

Never. Very next verse 6:16 Do you not know that he who Unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body ? For it is said, the two shall become one flesh.

Paul is saying is not implying to just a prostitute off the street but anyone who is not your spouse you can be spiritually tied to!. If you knew how powerful sex was you wouldn't have it with just anybody.

During sex there's two different exchanges that take place: a physical and spiritual. Most grown adults are aware of the physical exchange.

But the second is the spiritual which most people don't know about. When you have sex with someone, you exchange/ obtain whatever spirit(s) they have as well.

You take on their qualities , behaviors, ideology Etc GOOD OR BAD & become a part of you. Sex was intended for one man and one woman.

Ladies this is why it so difficult to end those wrong relationships .. when sex is involved.. So many problems come as a result of sex outside of marriage.

Disease and unplanned pregnancy are just the scratching the surface. You enter into a covenant with that other persons spirit.

This happens every time you have sex with a person. And ... In addition to this ... Whoever they have had sex with ... Now you're attached to those people's spirits as well.

This is why there's so many people with multiple personalities, who are dibbling and dabbling in this and that , who are confused , and all messed up in their thoughts , feelings and behavior.

They are dealing with their own personality as well as the other people they have physically and spiritually connected themselves too. The person you could be laying with could be full of the devil and now .

You are too. "/. How can this be avoided. Do it God's way. Just wait. Save sex until marriage. Sex is a beautiful thing it's fun it's exciting when done God's way.

God knows how it feels and what it does. He created it ! But he also put boundaries in place because He knows what can happen when people get careless with it.

TROUBLE TROUBLE ( Dollar Bill voice ). The good news is this doesn't have to be you. If you haven't already engaged in sexual activity then don't. Save it for your husband or wife. If you have.... Don't do it anymore.

Ask God to discipline you to wait and take away the desire because it's definitely hard to stop wanting something that is good to you after you've had it. Take your pick. Either run the risk of sleeping with THE ENEMY or waiting and being in the Ark of safety in marriage.

Your husband cannot become a leader if you're not willing to follow. The Bible says "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.

For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church." Ephesians 5:22,23. But submission doesn't come naturally; it is a product of humility.

Regardless of his many faults & weaknesses & regardless of your profession Or position in society; make a willful decision to humble yourself, obey God & put yourself under the spiritual leadership of your husband.

Give your husband his rightful position below Christ. Submission doesn't make you inferior or a door mat. It makes you a virtuous wise woman.

The power of a virtuous woman is not in physical strength but she uses her great power of influence to make a great man & respected leader in her husband.

The world sees your husband through your eyes. What picture of him are you painting? Remember you're identified by his name.

Don't expect the world to treat you like a queen when you treat your man like a dog. If you treat him like a dog it just makes you Mrs. Dog. Make him the man you're proud to be his wife.

Marriage is never meant for babies.

If you're finding it so difficult to respect one another in that relationship, it will be worse in marriage when you don't work on it in your relationship.

Marriage is not meant for boys and girls but for mature men and women who knows what it takes to be in one.

Your courting period is the time to knowing one another better and more, don't joke with that sensitive period lest you end up regretting in the marriage.

When they don't know what it takes to love and care for you, don't force it and hoping they will change after marriage, no one does except for divine intervention from above.

Don't enter into a relationship just because your friends are entering one, don't get married when it's obvious you're not ready for marital settlement just because of pressure.

Don't let anyone force you into a relationship you're not ready for lest you regret it later. Be in a relationship with someone who's mature enough to know what it takes to be in a relationship with you and not the one with a novice mentality about it.

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