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5 Lessons From Richer, Wiser, Happier By William Green


A wise man ought always to follow the paths beaten by great men, and to imitate those who have been supreme, so that if his ability does not equal theirs, at least it will savor of it.
—Niccolò Machiavelli


When Pabrai discovers a subject that fascinates him, he attacks it with obsessive fervor. In Buffett’s case, the available resources seemed limitless, including decades of letters to Berkshire’s shareholders and seminal books such as Roger Lowenstein’s Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist. Pabrai devoured it all. He also began to make a pilgrimage each year to Omaha for Berkshire’s annual meeting, showing up without fail for more than twenty years.

Eventually, Pabrai would develop a personal relationship with Buffett. Through Buffett, he’d also become friends with Munger, who invites him for meals at his home in Los Angeles and games of bridge at his club. But in those early days, Pabrai’s knowledge came entirely from reading. And the more he read, the more convinced he became that Buffett, with Munger’s help, had laid out “the laws of investing,” which are as “fundamental as the laws of physics.”


“The number one skill in investing is patience—extreme patience.” Prabai


“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” Warren Buffett. Pabrai once said “On my gravestone, I want them to write, ‘He loved to play games, especially games he knew he could win.’


It is impossible to produce superior performance unless you do something different from the majority.
—Sir John Templeton.

5 Lessons From Richer, Wiser, Happier By William Green


A wise man ought always to follow the paths beaten by great men, and to imitate those who have been supreme, so that if his ability does not equal theirs, at least it will savor of it.
—Niccolò Machiavelli


When Pabrai discovers a subject that fascinates him, he attacks it with obsessive fervor. In Buffett’s case, the available resources seemed limitless, including decades of letters to Berkshire’s shareholders and seminal books such as Roger Lowenstein’s Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist. Pabrai devoured it all. He also began to make a pilgrimage each year to Omaha for Berkshire’s annual meeting, showing up without fail for more than twenty years.

Eventually, Pabrai would develop a personal relationship with Buffett. Through Buffett, he’d also become friends with Munger, who invites him for meals at his home in Los Angeles and games of bridge at his club. But in those early days, Pabrai’s knowledge came entirely from reading. And the more he read, the more convinced he became that Buffett, with Munger’s help, had laid out “the laws of investing,” which are as “fundamental as the laws of physics.”


“The number one skill in investing is patience—extreme patience.” Prabai


“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” Warren Buffett. Pabrai once said “On my gravestone, I want them to write, ‘He loved to play games, especially games he knew he could win.’


It is impossible to produce superior performance unless you do something different from the majority.
—Sir John Templeton.

Deepening Intimacy
Without defining a level of commitment is dangerous. It`s like going mountain climbing with a partner who isn't sure she wants the responsibility of holding your rope.

When you've climbed two thousand feet up a mountain face, you don`t want to have a conversation about how she feels "tied down" by your relationship.

In the same way, many people experience deep hurt when they open themselves up emotionally and physically only to be abandoned by someone who proclaims he's not ready for a serious commitment...

Top 10 Lessons Learned from the Book: The Rudest Book Ever

1) If you need somebody else to tell you that you are special, then you have not done anything to earn it in your own mind.

2) He is old, hence he must be wise is one of the stupidest notions we take for granted.

3) Specialness then becomes a collection of skills, and feeling special is the sensation felt on upgrading in life after having mastered a skill.

4) Just because somebody is older doesn’t mean they have figured out life.

Follow Evans Mozurunyem Ministries for action-provoking posts!

5) You need to accept the fact that rejections happen and that they are normal. Don’t take it to your heart, and don’t try to figure out what that person is thinking. People are people, who know what goes on in that mind of theirs.

6) Children learn by absorbing their surroundings. They should be taught how to think on their own not what to think.

7) Sometimes a person has to set aside his ego and learn how to open up and learn things.

😎 A person who has been taught what to think will go about asking others for solutions to his problems rather than think of a plausible solution himself.

Follow Brimedge College for educational and child-raising articles

9) Do the things you want to do for yourself. Find satisfaction in impressing yourself and not the whole world.

1 It is not your job to understand everybody and adjust according to their needs. First, you need to understand and take care of yourself.

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Top 10 Lessons Learned from the Book: The Rudest Book Ever

1) If you need somebody else to tell you that you are special, then you have not done anything to earn it in your own mind.

2) He is old, hence he must be wise is one of the stupidest notions we take for granted.

3) Specialness then becomes a collection of skills, and feeling special is the sensation felt on upgrading in life after having mastered a skill.

4) Just because somebody is older doesn’t mean they have figured out life.

Follow Evans Mozurunyem Ministries for action-provoking posts!

5) You need to accept the fact that rejections happen and that they are normal. Don’t take it to your heart, and don’t try to figure out what that person is thinking. People are people, who know what goes on in that mind of theirs.

6) Children learn by absorbing their surroundings. They should be taught how to think on their own not what to think.

7) Sometimes a person has to set aside his ego and learn how to open up and learn things.

😎 A person who has been taught what to think will go about asking others for solutions to his problems rather than think of a plausible solution himself.

Follow Brimedge College for educational and child-raising articles

9) Do the things you want to do for yourself. Find satisfaction in impressing yourself and not the whole world.

1 It is not your job to understand everybody and adjust according to their needs. First, you need to understand and take care of yourself.

#[512] our Facebook community: Personal Development Forum with Darlingson

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Top 10 Lessons from learned from the book-- How To Finish Everything You Start

1) Another reason for failing to finish is that you are so unprepared for interruptions that when one or more occur, you get thrown by it.

2) By far the #1 reason for leaving a task or project unfinished is having too much to do.

3) If you have a fear of failure, you will delay finishing a project, so you do not have to deal with the potential negative feedback that you fear. If you fear success, procrastination delays that scenario from happening.

4) If you end whatever you are trying to finish at a good point, it will be that much easier to pick right up again when you can get back to it.

5) Make whatever you are procrastinating about the very first activity that you tackle first thing in the morning, or when you first get to the office.

6)F = Focus on one priority task.

I= Ignore interruptions or distractions.

N = Now is the time, not later or tomorrow.

I= Initiate and innovate so you keep going.

S = Stay the course however tough it gets.

H = Hail finishing by celebrating your accomplishment.

7) Be open to trying new things and even fresh ideas or even new technology that might make it faster, easier, or better to finish what you started.

8) Those who have too many
unfinished projects or activities often are trying to do everything themselves.

9) Here is what his SMART acronym stands for:

S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Assignable
R = Realistic
T= Time-related

1 "Should I have started this in the first place?"

Thanks for Reading 📝👌

Follow Accounting Knowledge Concepts


Both of you pay the bills! Or whoever has the financial capacity fix bills. In a good marriage based on deep friendship and partnership, there is no gender role.

Anybody can wash the plates and change the diapers! Anyone, either the husband or wife!

Anyone can cook!

Anyone can mow the lawn!

Anyone can clear house rent, school fees and buy the groceries!

Whosoever has the capacity and enjoys doing what should do the do!

Tradition is the reason many wives don't assist husbands financially and many husbands won't lift a pin in the house!

The man wants to be the man by fire, by thunder by force! He slaves day and night to the point of exhaustion and will never ask the wife for financial assistance when she can obviously help!

Old wives fables is the reason a wife will hide her money or refuse to work and become a slave to the kitchen while burying her gifts and talents.

The Lord who created marriage called you a HELP-MEET. Help each other to meet your needs, that's why you get married!

That is how to build real friendship and intimacy! That is how to develop good self esteem and respect each other in marriage!

No one should abuse this privilege though! Some men stop paying bills completely and leave the whole financial burden on the wife because she chose to assist!

Some wives become lazy and dump all house chores on their husbands because he is assisting domestically.

Learn to respect each other. Understand boundaries. Understand limitations. Know when your spouse has reached their limits and can't go beyond that point, then take over!

Be there for each other always!

Be friends! Be allies! Be each other's help-meet! Be their life support and life wire!

May your marriage blossom!

© Seun Oladele, 2023.

Top 10 Lessons learned From book-"The Dip"

1. Be the Best

🥇Anyone who is going to hire you, buy from you, or do what you want them to do is going to wonder if you’re the BEST choice.

BEST: Best for them, right now, based on what they believe and what they know

THE WORLD: Their world, the world they have access to
2 . Quitting Is Not Failure

If you are not going to be the best, then you should just QUIT.

Quitting, in some scenarios, is actually essential for freeing up resources to get through the dips that matter.

This means you only have two options in life:
Quit or be Exceptional.
To become the best, you must understand these three curves:

3. The Cul De Sac:

1️⃣This first curve is where you work and work and work… but nothing changes. It doesn’t get a lot better; it doesn’t get a lot worse… it just is what it is.

Whenever you find one of these... need to get off it fast.

The opportunity cost of investing your life in something that’s not going to get better is just too high.

4. The Cliff:

2⃣The cliff looks like something potentially promising at first… but then all of a sudden it drops off rapidly & you suffer.

The cliff is a situation like this where you don’t quit… until you fall off the other end and everything falls apart.

3⃣If there wasn’t a Dip, there’d be no scarcity. If It’s Worth Doing, There’s Probably a Dip. The Dip creates scarcity, and scarcity creates value.

It’s easy to Be a CEO. what’s hard is Getting there. There’s a huge dip along the way.

6. "Cul de sacs" & "Cliffs" Lead to Failure

If you’re facing either one of these curves, you need to quit. Not soon, but RIGHT NOW.

"The biggest obstacle to success in life is our inability to quit what isn’t working soon enough."

7. Quitting As Tactic VS Quitting As Strategy

🔄Quitting is important, but we’re not talking about giving up and abandoning your long term strategy.

You do have to quit the TACTICS that aren’t working.

8. The 6 Reasons why you might fail:

1️⃣you run out of time or money
2⃣you get scare
3⃣you’re not serious about it
4⃣you lose interest or enthusiasm and settle for mediocre
5⃣you focus on the short term instead of the long term
6⃣you pick the wrong thing to be best in the world

9. What The Woodpecker Knows

💡When faced with a dip, many people choose to diversify to give themselves more options.

Before you think about doing something new… consider what would happen if you focused your efforts and managed to get through The Dip that you’re already in.

10. Two Questions To Ask Before Quitting

1⃣Am I Panicking?

The best quitters are the ones who DECIDE IN ADVANCE when they’re going to quit. You can always quit later – so wait until you’re done panicking to decide.
2⃣What Sort Of Measurable Progress Am I Making?

To succeed, to get to that light at the end of the tunnel, you’ve got to make some sort of forward progress, no matter how small.

Measurable progress isn’t just a raise or a promotion – it can be much more subtle than that.
In Conclusion:
There are times when winning means quitting.

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Top 15 Lessons learned From The Book "Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff "

1. When we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person; it merely says something about our own need to be critical.

2. Your heart, the compassionate part of you, knows that it’s impossible to feel better at the expense of someone else.

3. Thinking of someone to love each day keeps your resentment away!

4. Criticism, like swearing, is actually nothing more than a bad habit.

5. Being heard and understood is one of the greatest desires of the human heart.

6. Choose to be kind over being right and you’ll be right every time.

7. If we would just slow down, happiness would catch up to us.

8. When you’re in an ill mood, learn to pass it off as simply that: an unavoidable human condition that will pass with time, if you leave it alone.

A low mood is not the time to analyze your life.

9. True happiness comes not when we get rid of all of our problems, but when we change our relationship to them, when we see our problems as a potential source of awakening, opportunities to practice, and to learn.

10. We live our lives as if they were one big emergency!

We often rush around looking busy, trying to solve problems, but in reality, we are often compounding them.

11. I guess it´s safe to say that practice makes perfect. It makes sense, then, to be careful what you practice

12. When you have what you want (inner peace), you are less distracted by your wants, needs, desires, and concerns.

It’s thus easier to concentrate, focus, achieve your goals, and to give back to others.

13. We tend to believe that if we were somewhere else – on vacation, with another partner, in a different career, a different home, a different circumstance – somehow we would be happier and more content. We wouldn’t!

14. Ask yourself the question, “Will this matter a year from now?

15. There are two rules for living in harmony. #1) Don’t sweat the small stuff and #2) It’s all small stuff.

Study mathematics to understand physics

Study physics to understand chemistry

Study chemistry to understand biology

Study biology to understand psychology

Study psychology to understand economics

Study economics and philosophy to be free

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Key Points :
1. Communication is the key to success in both personal and professional life.
2. Stop taking and start communicating means taking a proactive approach to communication, rather than just reacting to situations.
3. Active listening is crucial to effective communication.
4. There are different communication styles, and it's important to understand and adapt to them.
5. Nonverbal communication can speak louder than words.
6. Effective communication requires empathy and understanding of the other person's perspective.
7. Language barriers can be overcome with patience and effort.
8. Conflict resolution is a key aspect of communication, and it's important to approach it with a positive mindset and willingness to compromise.
9. Communication should be a continuous process, and it's important to regularly check in with colleagues, friends, and loved ones.
10. Communication is a skill that can be improved through practice and willingness to learn.

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