Women will tell you they want a lot of things.
But there’s one thing women want from you above and beyond all else: your ATTENTION.

They can want this attention to take various forms.

“Will You Please Look at Me?”

"How do I look?"

"You didn't tell me my hair is beautiful"

"Won't you ask me how my day was?"

"You're not talking to me like you used to"

"Did you miss me?"

Some women want you to be smitten with them.

Some women want you to chase after them.

Some women want you to feel like you could never have them (yet pine after them regardless).

Some women just want you to think they’re amazing.

But the one thing all women have in common is that they want you to notice them, look at them, and pay them attention.

As a man, this is important for you to understand. They do it in different way but All they seek is to have you notice them, listen to them, and invest your time and energy into them. Attention and affection are non-negotiables in loving your woman. Continually affirming her beauty and your attraction to her is a wise thing to do to your woman. Treating your woman right intentionally helps her bond deeper with you. Making sacrifices for your woman transmits a message that she's worth more than mere words. Giving your woman attention and affection tells her you value her and can spend your worth on her. Putting your woman down in words or by actions is an act of wickedness. You're to nurture her not torture her.

A woman wants healthy and loving attention, and she wants it often.

If she doesn't receive it, she will get the attention in a negative way - by causing drama or starting a fight.

This is not a desire sprung from weakness, but from an impulse to grow. For a woman, healthy attention is like food and water: If she doesn't get it, she won't grow - and think about it, when we stop growing, we die. To a woman, attention is as critical to her existence as food and water. Just as you need air to breath, and water to drink. Your love affair needs consistent ATTENTION to blossom. Any woman that doesn't demand for your attention is not emotionally connected to you, and any man that makes you beg for his attention at all time is not ready for you and such a man will frustrate and drain you emotionally. If the love is genuine, you won't have to beg for it. If you need to fight for his attention, affection and assurance, you're with the wrong man.

V I C E - V E R S A