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There is No Room for Secrets
In a Strong Healthy Marriage: Marriage is for grownups who understand what they're getting themselves into.

If you're not yet ready for the marriage commitment of sharing your whole life with your spouse, then stay with your mama and stay single. Most marital problems are caused by spouses who continue to act single in marriage.

The Bible says "the two shall become one." When you sign the marriage certificate you signing away the freedom of singleness and signing up for a 24/7 spousal surveillance monitoring system.

Your spouse has the right to know your whereabouts, companions, business dealings and they have the right to access to your personal email,

Facebook, cellphone and every personal password. There are no holy cows in marriage. The Bible says even your body belongs to your spouse. (1 Corinthians 7:4)

5 Leadership Principles
Dr Myles Munroe

1. Leaders are committed to people
2. Leaders promote teamwork
3. Leaders set an example for others
4. Leaders Know and encourage other people’s abilities
5. Leaders show appreciation for people’s contributions

John 3:16-17... For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.


There is nothing I love doing more than teaching. It is my passion and what fuels me. I enjoy sharing the lessons, tips, strategies and frameworks I have learnt and come up with, and using those to mould the generation coming up behind me.

That is why the feedback on the videos and posts that I share holds a special place in my heart. I’m always eager to read your feedback on the lessons I share, which is why I feel fulfilled when I see how many of you have changed the way you approach things and how you carry yourselves. I find it particularly encouraging!

I’ll keep sharing and bringing you along on my journey, which I hope will help you unlock that next level of performance in yourself and others 🖤💛✨


1. Pick Your Weak Spots

• A great way to get to know how you sing is to record yourself singing a song that you already know. This doesn’t have to be an expert recording. Just hit record on your smartphone or computer to get a recording that will suffice.
• Afterwards, compare your version with the version of the original singer.
• Jot down all your mistakes – Was your vocal range too weak? Did you hit the wrong notes? Was your breath too short?

Knowing your weaknesses will help you identify problem areas you need to work on when learning how to improve your singing voice.

2. Daily Practice

Let’s go back to the basics for a moment. It’s an old cliché that “practice makes perfect,” but it’s a phrase that has stood the test of time for a reason. A daily workout for your voice will strengthen your vocal cords, improve your vocal range, and develop a better vocal tone.

You should practice singing for at least thirty minutes a day (making sure you do your warm-ups first).

If you don’t have a daily routine, work with your vocal coach to create one for you.
To be continued................

Follow me for more singing tips
#[686] voice


1. Pick Your Weak Spots

• A great way to get to know how you sing is to record yourself singing a song that you already know. This doesn’t have to be an expert recording. Just hit record on your smartphone or computer to get a recording that will suffice.
• Afterwards, compare your version with the version of the original singer.
• Jot down all your mistakes – Was your vocal range too weak? Did you hit the wrong notes? Was your breath too short?

Knowing your weaknesses will help you identify problem areas you need to work on when learning how to improve your singing voice.

2. Daily Practice

Let’s go back to the basics for a moment. It’s an old cliché that “practice makes perfect,” but it’s a phrase that has stood the test of time for a reason. A daily workout for your voice will strengthen your vocal cords, improve your vocal range, and develop a better vocal tone.

You should practice singing for at least thirty minutes a day (making sure you do your warm-ups first).

If you don’t have a daily routine, work with your vocal coach to create one for you.
To be continued................

Marriage is not for the kids and the immature ones.
If you have problems of nagging too much as lady while single or in a relationship, it will graduate to complaints when it ends in marriage if you don't work on yourself.
If you're a man who flirts and cheats while single or during your courting period, don't be surprised to see yourself as a fornicator after tying the knot if you don't curb that ungodly act.
Marriage only amplies what you've been doing together during your courting period and not reduces.
If you're with an abusive partner in a relationship, don't be surprised such person can beat and kill you in the marriage if you ignore the red flags during the relationship.
That is why you need to read and buy books to gain knowledge on the kind of partner you should end up with either in a relationship or marriage.
Ignorance has killed some people's destinies and lives when they find themselves in a wrong Relationship or bad Marriage and that is why you must do all it takes to invest in your Relationship and Marriage.

Happiness, like the mind, will atrophy if not exercised. 80/20 thinkers know what generates their happiness and pursue it consciously, cheerfully, and intelligently, using happiness today to build and multiply happiness tomorrow.
80% of our achievement and happiness takes place in 20% of our time — and these peaks can be expanded greatly.
Our lives are profoundly affected (for good or ill) by a few events and decisions. We can improve our lives dramatically by recognizing the turning points and making the decisions that will make us happy and productive.
Everyone can achieve something significant. The key is not effort, but finding the right thing to achieve. You are hugely more productive at some things than others, but dilute the effectiveness of this by doing too many things when your comparative skill is nowhere near as great.
Most of our failures are in races others enter us into. Most of our successes come from races we want to enter.
Few people spend enough time and thought cultivating their own happiness. They seek indirect goals like money or promotions that may be difficult to attain and will prove when they are attained to be extremely inefficient sources of happiness.
7)80/20 in Investing
Typically, 80% of the increase in wealth from most long-term portfolios comes from fewer than 20% of the investments. It is crucial to pick this 20% well, and then concentrate as much investment as possible into it.
Let those good investments compound: Nobody ever went broke by taking a profit, but many people never got rich by following the same procedure.
8)80/20 in Relationships
You don’t need many allies but you need the right ones, with the right relationships between you and each of them and between themselves. You need them at the right time, in the right place and with a common interest in advancing your interests.
Do not assume your friends and allies are all of roughly equal importance. Focus on your attention on nurturing the key alliances of your life.
You alone cannot make yourself successful (in any area of life). Only others can do that for you.
If you have a strong alliance with both X and Y and they have one between each other, that is excellent. A chin is as strong as it’s weakest link. However strong relationships between X and Y, the ones that really matter for you are your with X and yours with Y.
9)80/20 at Work
80% of the value in any organization or profession comes from 20% of the professionals. Workers who are above average will tend to be paid more than those who are below average, but nowhere near enough to reflect the differential in performance.
It follows that

1)Thinking 80/20
80/20 thinking requires, and with practice enables, us to spot the few really important things that are happening, and ignore the most unimportant things. It teaches us to see the woods for the trees.
80/20 thinking is reflective, unconventional, hedonistic, strategic, and nonlinear; in that it combines extreme ambition (in the sense of wanting to change things for the better) with a relaxed and confident manner.
Follow Evans Mozurunyem Ministries for action-provoking posts every morning!
2) 80/20 thinking is reflective
80/20 thinking is different from the type of thinking that prevails today. The latter is usually rushed, opportunistic, linear, and incrementalist.
Our objective is to leave action behind, do some quiet thinking, mine a few small pieces of precious insights, and then act; selectively, on a few objectives and a narrow front, decisively and impressively, to produce terrific results with as little energy and as few resources as possible.
3)80/20 thinking is unconventional
80/20 thinking discovers where conventional wisdom is wrong, as it generally is. The power of the 80/20 principle lies in doing things differently based on unconventional wisdom.
NB: Follow Brimedge College for parental tips
4)80/20 thinking is strategic
To be strategic is to concentrate on what is important, on the few objectives that give us comparative advantage, on what is important to us rather than others.
5)80/20 thinking is nonlinear
Traditional thinking is encased in a powerful but sometimes inaccurate and destructive mental model: It is linear.
Linear thinking is attractive because it is simple, cut and dried. The trouble is that it is a poor description of the world and an even worse preparation for changing it. Scientists and historians have long ago abandoned linear thinking. Why should we cling to it?
The most valuable insight from 80/20 analysis will always come from examining nonlinear relationships that others are neglecting.
Only a few decisions really matter. Those that do, matter a great deal.
Follow Evans Mozurunyem Ministries for action-provoking posts every morning!
6)80/20 in Happiness
Happiness is not money, and it is not even like money. Money not spent can be saved and invested and, through the magic of compound interest, multiplied. But, happiness not spent today does not lead to happiness tomorrow.

10 Important Lessons from book -"RULES for MY UNBORN SON"
Knowing how to work hard is just as important as working hard. Keeping yourself motivated when things are easy is one thing, but keeping yourself motivated when things are bad is another beast. Regardless of the situation, you must have the willpower to push through. Showing that you can do this will not only motivate those around you, it will make you a stronger man.
2)Take responsibility
In short step-up. Men take responsibility for their actions and don’t need others to tell them when or how to do so. Being responsible for one’s choices and actions isn’t always the easiest thing in the world. However, true manhood is being able to admit when they are wrong.
3)Choose your battles wisely.
It’s important to know which ones are worth fighting and which ones are better left as is. It’s okay to be quiet and walk away. It doesn’t make you less of a man.
4)Be a gentleman
Having old school values is okay. Treating women with respect is even more than okay.
-Hold the door
-Offer your seat.
-Push her chair up to the table.
-Watch your language
NB: Follow Brimedge College for parental tips and child education articles
5)Be honest with yourself and everyone else.
Men who are honest are comfortable in themselves. “An honest man has an honorable manhood, which is something that every man should consider to succeed in life.”
Confidence is important but so is being humble. Men have to learn how to balance the two. Being able to do creates a strong and effective leader, which should be the goal for every man.
7)Giving to others rather than receiving.
Men who exemplify manhood see a need, and take the necessary steps to remedy that need. Filling a void and helping others, gives you a greater sense of joy than seeing what others can do for you.
Men (especially fathers) are portrayed as disgusting pigs (ala Al Bundy), but that’s not all men. Manners are important every second of the day, in every situation. Whether you are at home eating at your dinner table or eating in a five-star restaurant. Manners define people, and it separates us in terms of class and sophistication. Having manners and using them, also means that you are showing others around you respect.
Follow Evans Mozurunyem Ministries for action-provoking posts every morning!
9)Be open.
It’s okay to show feelings and to be sensitive. Toxic masculinity is a thing. To deny it exists is foolish. It’s not hard to find, and I could list several examples. In order to combat it, we have to teach our sons that it’s okay be vulnerable. It’s okay to show compassion to others. It’s a wonderful quality that all leaders have, which is why they are loved and respected by others.
1The first shall be last.
This is a quote I read on Facebook a year ago and typed into my phone as a reminder.
True manhood puts others first. If you want to be a leader, then the place to be is on your knees, with a towel in your hand, washing someone’s feet.