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Dear Men,

Jesus Christ of Nazareth respected women. He never conform to traditional gender roles. They brought an adulterous woman to him, so they will stóne her to déàth. He stopped them, because the law had a punishment for adulterous women but not for adulterous men. Jesus Christ hàted male supremacy.

On an occasion, Jesus Christ visited martha, and she was busy trying to be hospitable as expected from women - cleaning, cooking and trying to serve. But Jesus told her that that didn't matter more. He didn't care about cultural expectations from women.

Jesus christ glorified women. In a time where the testimony of women weren't taken in court, he appeared first to a woman, Mary Magdalene. It was a deliberate act to uplift women - that the gender that was suppressed was the first to witness the foundation of our gospel creed

Women get married and she's expected to build the marriage, even when the man is committed in tearing it down. She's blamed; she's asked to hold on, when the man cheats and maltreats her and her kids, she's asked to go on her knees and pray for him to change. She's asked to go on her knees and beg when she's thrown out. She loses herself. It is in a man's nature to cheat while the woman endures and pray for him to change. But when a woman cheats, she's called all sort of names & thrown out of marriage. I want us to know that we have sisters and humanity is our family. A world where we are happy and productive is impossible where one gender is oppressed.

Let's stop justifying male irresponsibility. Stop saying men will always be men. Stop giving excuses for a cheating man. Stop giving excuses for domestic Vi0lence. Stop asking what she wore when she's ràpéd, or why she visited him. See the daily pain of women and empathize. It is difficult for a privilege person to see the inequality others face. We as men have many privileges women don't have. A woman can't feel safe in a cab filled with men. A woman feels insecure when a man is walking behind her in a remote area. The society expect women to have it all. A career woman is often advised to not let her career success stop her from performing her traditional roles of domestication, but the average successful man doesn't always have time for his family. Women are held to higher family standards. Let's do better to women. I will never allow how bad a lady treated me in the past change my perspective about love and humanity. I am not a bitter soul.

Be Good to humanity just as our heavenly father has always been good to us. ❤

Marriage is a long term journey and that is why you must open your spiritual eyes and be sensitive in choosing and accepting a marital request.

Don't ignore the red flags in a relationship, all these will eventually lead to trouble and problems you will be battling with it you're not careful and you ignore the red flags.

Don't stay in a relationship where he always beats you and treats you like an option.

Listen, no one is too busy to neglect you and not communicating with you for days or weeks, the truth is that you're not their priority.

How will you be in a relationship and you're drinking tears as if you're drinking tea? How will you be in a relationship and your peace of mind is threatened?

Don't because you've been in that relationship for a long time and fail to see the red flags that may end your life forever.

A word they say is enough for the wise. To get my ebook on RED FLAGS, send RED FLAGS on WhatsApp (+234)9035615144.

Follow my official page for more inspiring relationship and Marriage tips Minister Margaret Minister Margaret Ogundare.Minister Margaret Ogundare.


A Message To My Single Sisters:
Trying to persuade anybody to love you is like trying to teach a pig to appreciate beauty and cleanliness. It’s impossible and pointless. You are too precious to beg for love.

A man who truly loves you will pursue you and not treat you like trash. Don't waste your valuable time trying to convince, persuade, or beg anyone to love you.

Any man that takes you for granted will eventually take advantage of you. There are people who will never love you no matter how much love you show them, and that’s okay.

Their rejection of you doesn’t mean there is something wrong about you. You can’t change anyone’s opinion of you, but you can prevent their opinion from changing you.

Let your head lead your heart out of a toxic relationship. Never grand a man access to your heart when you know he takes it for granted.

A man who truly loves you will die for you not seek to harm you. Jesus thought you were worthy dying for, and that settles it.

Do yourself a favor. Deal with the pain of a breakup now than face a lifetime of regret, abuse and the excruciating pain of divorce.

You can't ignore this warning and not get hurt. Be where you are celebrated and honored not where you are just tolerated.

- For the woman whose husband shares his heart with another

- For the woman married but single.

- To the woman who is a custodian of God's special child that has developmental delays and not a regular child

- For the woman secretly dealing with a rebellious child/children.

- For the woman who is misunderstood

- For the woman who has just been left for another woman.

- To the woman who drains her pillow with tears dealing with a secret pain, a label society/life has put on her due to no fault of hers..labels like divorced,barren,single.

- To the woman misjudged for daring to be different.

- To the woman scorned because she brought to life the seeds her husband plants inside her... "Girls only"

- For the woman who is mourning the loss of a pregnancy that nobody else knew about.

- For the woman who was fired for her fourth tardy because she has been awake for a straight week with a sick child.

- For the single mom who doesn't know how the utilities are going to stay this month.

- For the woman who has gone through IVF's and has tried for years without success but still shows up to every baby shower for her friends.

- To the woman whose heart has been broken severally used and dumped by men yet attends her friends weddings and genuinely wish them well.

- For the woman who still hasn't forgiven herself for the abortions she committed in ignorance yester years.

- For the woman who has a line of judging eyes at her and her children as she slides her ebt card at the grocery store.

- For the woman that opens the door to the news of her husband being killed overseas three weeks before he was to return home.

- For the woman that lives a with a quiet anxiety because nobody understands what you could possibly stressed about.

- For the woman that gives to her family all day- everyday and just.needs.a.break.

- For the woman that takes care of all but none takes care of her.

- For the woman that smiles at strangers all day in public- but weeps silently every night.

- For the woman that heard the rumors about herself...heaps of untrue words about her.
- For the woman sleeping next to a stranger every night.

- For the woman whose genetics will never allow her to look like the ones in the magazines.

- For the woman that endures one broken relationship after another because there was no father around to teach her what love looks like.

- To the woman her husband shoots blank and she is yet blamed for not being able to bring forth.

- To the woman you desperately yearns to hear a living being call her "Mama"

- For the woman raising a fatherless daughter and praying that history doesn't repeat itself.

- For every single woman that cries in the shower so that nobody else can see. Because if you aren't strong-nobody is.

- Just because the water washes your tears doesn't mean that you don't cry.

- To the woman battling with a health challenge or watching her child, loved one going through health issue.

- To the woman who feels ugly stirring at the mirror.

- To the woman that does not know where her rent or the next meal for her family will come from.

- To that woman who just received a devastating news.

- To the woman who has to play strong but broken into pieces inside

- To the woman watching her children live the opposite of the life she dreamt and prepared them for.

- To the woman who is scorned for daring to be brave and strong enough to walk away from a relationship she feels she isn't cut out for.

- To that woman who is forced to live on false high pedal stone title and society has placed on her. Thus she must act, endure and subdue her real self. I am you. I see you. I am with you, I cry with you.

My knees are speaking for you
Psalm 46:5 God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.

The more activities you do with your spouse, the more things grow between you two; whether the activity is cooking together, washing the car together,

Playing a game together, taking a walk together, praying, singing together, dancing together, shopping, taking a drive, going to the hospital for check up together, writing each other poems, cleaning the house together, going for a picnic.

Regardless of how long you two have been married, love requires and hunger for activities that you two can do to make you smile more, share more, learn new things about each other, grow more intimate.

The less things you do together the more your love and warmth stagnates and you drift apart; maybe worse, an ending looms..

That's why your spouse hurts when you don't spend much time and feels no longer a priority, when your spouse has to beg for your time.

Make time for the one you say you love, don't look so much at how cool or expensive the activity is, or how the activity contributes to your profession or profits.

Instead, look at it as another opportunity to build your love, an investment in love, watering of your love garden... Sometimes you must shut out everything else and spend quality time with your spouse because of no other reason but love.

Yes, put a "Do not disturb sign" even to your children to focus on each other. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but then again, presence makes the heart love deeper

In Life We Always React
When Someone hurts us. Reacting to something is what we all do in life because it's part of having feelings. Sometimes our reactions go too far because of the depth of the pain we felt.

Then comes along actions. Actions do speak louder than words. You can tell so much from a person's actions because in those actions is where everything lies.

If a person cares for you, no matter how many up's & down's you had, their actions will prove just how much they truly care."

A Good Relationship
Is About Being With someone who makes you happy in ways that no one else can. A true lover is someone that sees your potential and that will push you to achieve it by all means.

Go for someone who is not only proud to have you, but will also take every risk just to be with you... Someone who won’t love you on condition.

A Relationship takes two people, not one person being faithful and another acting single. The most precious gift you can give your lover is the gift of your time and attention.

Best Relationship & Marriage Secrets
1.Manage your expectations
2. Never assume, ask.
3. Remember to always say "I love you" and "thank you."
4. Continually fall in love with your partner
5. Don't be so quick to judge
6. Don't give 50 percent, give 100 percent.
7. Don't bad mouth your partner to other people.
8. Don't expect them to read your mind.
9. Crack each other up
10. Make sure your partner is your best friend, no matter what.
11. Don't keep score.
12. Instead of finding the "perfect" person, find who's right for you.
13. Understand what makes your partner feel loved.
14. Treat your marriage like a business.
15. Treat your partner as if they're the love of your life.
16. Stop taking other people's advice all the time.
17. And don't take everything so seriously.

1.You Should avoid a relationship that adds no value to your life. It has no future. If all you do is to sleep with each other, play around instead of discussing things that will benefit your life then that relationship is a waste of time and destiny...
2.Avoid any relationship that has no direction, purpose or aim.
3.Avoid any relationship that doesn't add any positive impact on your life.
4.Run Away from any relationship that makes you cry or gives you more tears and cry than laughter...
5.Run away from any relationship that gives you more sorrows than Joy.
6.Do not stay in a relationship where you love someone but the person makes you unhappy many times..
7.When you see signs that a relationship can't work, there is no need remaining into it. flee from it. don't keep managing.
8.Avoid any relationship where you find yourself struggling to love your partner.
9.Avoid any relationship where you are caged or restricted from your rights. No relationship should restrict you from your rights.
10.Avoid any relationship that will keep you Far away from God. It has always been too much for; big boys and sweet girls so watch your steps for a greater height.


1. Love is something you do for someone else, not something you do for yourself.

2. Love doesn't keep a score of wrongs. Love doesn't bring up past failures. None of us is perfect.

3. What we do for each other before marriage is no indication of what we will do after marriage.

4. The person who is "in-love" has the ilusion that his beloved is perfect.

5. Something in our nature cries out to be loved by another. Isolation is devastating to the human psyche. That is why solitary confinement is considered the cruelest of punishments

6. Respect begins with this attitude: "I acknowledge that you are a creature of extreme worth. God has endowed you with certain abilities and emotions. Therefore I respect you as a person. I will not desecrate your worth by making critical remarks about your intellect, your judgment or your logic. I will seek to understand you and grant you the freedom to think differently from the way I think and to experience emotions that I may not experience."

7. Love is a choice you make everyday.

8. Forgiveness is not a feeling; it is a commitment. It is a choice to show mercy, not to hold the offense up against the offender. Forgiveness is an expression of love.

9. Most of us have more potential than we will ever develop. What holds us back is often a lack of courage.

10. Recent research has indicated that the average individual listens for only seventeen seconds before interrupting and interjecting his own ideas.

Hello 👋 to you all,
Thank you for reading.
