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7 WAYS A HUSBAND INJURES A WIFE WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT : Most husbands I know would never injure their wife knowingly. They want to be her protector.

But we guys are different than women, and the way we respond to our wife often causes injury.
And, most of the time, it’s unintentional. We didn’t even know we were doing it.

When we don’t realize the damage we’re doing to our wives’ emotions, we invalidate every desire we have to be her defender.I have seen these behaviors countless times.

I wish I could say I never did any of these . . . but that would be a lie. I write this with one finger pointed forward . . . and four more pointed my way.


1. Cuts her out of the discussion.
When you act as if she isn’t even there or wouldn’t understand what you’re talking about, she feels a part of her is detached. She sees the marriage as a partnership in every part of life–even the parts she may never fully understand.

2. Fails to notice the difference she makes.
A woman doesn’t want to be appreciated for only what she does. She wants you to appreciate who she is, but–admit it–she does a lot.

Whether it’s decorating the house or making sure the clothes are clean, or that you have your favorite soap, a woman wants to know what she does is valued by you.

3. Underestimates the small stuff.
You only said “this,” but it was “THIS” to her. And it hurts. You may even think it’s funny. She may even laugh.

But it is often building a wall of protection around her heart each time you do. The key here is that you can’t talk to her like you might talk to another guy. She hears and feels more deeply than you do. Words can and do hurt.

4. Speaks with curtness.
When you talk down to her, as if she’s somehow less than you, you bruise her spirit. Deeply.

And, you know she’s not less than you . . . you don’t even think she is . . . but sometimes, she just can’t tell that based on the way you talk to her.

5. Corrects her as she’s talking.
This could be finishing her sentences or speaking for her in the company of others. She feels demeaned and devalued when you present her to others as if she can’t compete with you in original thought . Which you know isn’t true. (My wife is much smarter than me.)

6. Acts suspicious.
Don’t misunderstand or misapply this one. When you hide information, even when you think you’re protecting her, you cause her to question your motive.

When you protect your calendar or act like you are upset at the question “What did you do today?” or “What did you talk about?” or “Who was that?” when someone calls, it gives her an eerie feeling something is wrong. And, that hurts.

7. Admires other women over her.
She sees you looking. She may even understand your highly visual make-up. It hurts her, however, when a glance becomes a stare especially when it happens everywhere you go all the time.

She can bruise easily in some areas of her life, especially the places that involve the people she loves most. No matter how independent or strong your wife is, her heart is tender in places.

Lots of places. She can bruise easily in some areas of her life, especially the places that involve the people she loves most, such as you.
A husband who understands this is more careful in how he responds to her.

I always like to use this thought as a reminder: Would I allow another man to speak to or treat my wife as I am doing? She’s a precious gift, guys . . . treat her well.

How do you stay motivated when others opinion pull you down?

Obstacles in dreams come in many forms, sometimes the opinions of others.

There are times when we share our dreams with others or take the first step, but some people discourage us that we can't make it happen or our dreams are not worth it. When this happens, we can start to doubt our dreams and even stop ourselves from what we want to achieve.

It's good to hear other people's opinions, but no one knows what you envision. Believe in what you want to do, improve your plans with their suggestions, but don't let their opinion stop you from achieving them.

Dr Bhawna Gautam

#[366] #castelo #[367] #[368] #[707]

Where do you see yourself in the next 20 years

Me :
Where the spirit leads !

It’s funny when I hear some respectable Christians make Joke with “As the spirit leads”

They made it look as if when you say as the spirit leads you are confused and don’t have a direction!

In as much as some people use that phrase to cover up for their unplanned & unpreparedness lifestyle!

It is still The most important phrase to any true child of God!

No matter how much you plan as a child of God, The spirit should still LEAD!

It is advisable to plan , but it is even more advisable to let the spirit of God lead you!


There are times your pain or what you are passing through may becomes a piece a writer uses to write songs, and it is only you that will understand, songs that are not supposed to make sense to anybody expect you, but you can choose to praise God through those pains.

Can you love God when you don't understand him?, can you love God when you don't hear him?, were you taught that a believer is not just one who will always receive result?.

We need to teach a generation that God is not an atm, we need to teach our generation that God is not a politician who is just a job giver, we need to teach our generation that God is God.

There are many questions on your mind to ask God, but if you really love and honour God, there won't be any need to ask God such question. God is faithful even when you don't have answers to your questions, he is still faithful.

One of the best way to survive any bad situations is to build on God, when you build on God, you will stand very strong in those bad situations. You have to trust God, don't say that God is not faithful when you don't see results forthcoming.

Can you be calm when you are under pressures of life?, because being calm implies that God is faithful and it is also a proof of of stability. Your panic won't solve anything, so all you need to do is to find rest in God.

Alot of christians has turned their backs on God because they think that God is not looking out for them, they think that God is unfaithful, but I am here to encourage you to stand strong in Christ.

May God deliver you from every bad situation in Jesus name

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We love you but,

God loves you more


John 14:6... Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.


TRUTH FOR SPIRITUAL BROTHERS AND SISTERS (11) - About prophetic relationship and marriage

The prophetic is no doubt a blessing to the body of Christ. I love and celebrate all prophets.

But over the years the prophectic and its activities have been seriously misunderstood and abused. Does it mean the prophetic is no longer valid? A big NO! The abuse of a thing doesn't render it useless, it is because we don't know the purpose of it.

When the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable ~ Dr. Myles Munroe 🙇

Prophecy is the mind of God showing, preparing and assuring you of His plan for you.

Every aspects of our existence needs the prophetic marriage inclusive.

If a prophet says you should marry someone, it has to be the confirmation of what you know. That is why it is very important to build capacity and contend for strong discernment mechanism because not all prophecies are from God. Some prophecies are product of man's wisdom, biases and idea.

Many singles who built their relationship or marriage as the case may be on what prophet says only but never double check are going through hell in marriage, they are now raining curses on the prophet for misleading them.

There are scriptural proven steps for judging a prophecy. Don't let me bore you with that (Read Papa Kenneth Hagin's book SEVEN STEPS FOR JUDGING A PROPHECY). Stop taking everything hook, line and sinker for the sake of your spiritual health.

If there is prophecy on you that your marriage will be a model to the world, that doesn't exclude you from the law of process.

Prophecy is not a licence or an escape route from going through process.

You can't escape challenges. Your marriage and the love you both professes to each other would still be tested.

Why? It's for learning, mastery and wisdom.

Every kingdom/beautiful marriages you admire out there have gone through fire (challenges of life) and would still go through fire but over the years they have gained mastery, learned and still learning, experience have birthed wisdom in their lives. That is why they remain strong and unmovable.

Beyond prophecy, be battle ready to pay the price in full. Don't just sit down and expect it to come on a platter of gold.

Be it in business, career, finance, ministry etc this also applies.

The issue with many of us is that we relax and expect miracle and when it didn't happen we blame God, blame our parents, blame your Pastor or Prophet, blame our village people.

It's high time we begin to take responsibility as spiritual people.

May God give us understanding 🙏

You know I love you.

An impactful and responsible relationship and marriage is possible.

Coach Triple O

𝟏𝟓 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 "𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐟𝐮𝐥

1. The moment you realize that you are not your thoughts, you become free.

2. The present moment is the only reality. It’s the only place where life unfolds.

3. When the mind is full of thoughts, it loses its clarity. When it is mindful, it regains its clarity.

4. Don’t seek happiness outside yourself. It lies within, waiting to be discovered.

5. The mind is like a wild horse, running in all directions. Meditation is the art of taming this horse.

Follow Evans Mozurunyem Ministries for action-provoking posts every morning!

6. Be grateful for everything in life, big or small. Gratitude opens the doors to abundance.

7. Letting go is not about giving up; it’s about surrendering to what is and finding peace within.

8. Silence is not the absence of sound, but the presence of inner stillness.

9. In the silence of the mind, you can hear the whispers of your soul.

10. Be kind to yourself and others. Kindness is the language of love.

11. True freedom lies in breaking free from the limitations of the mind.

12. Don't dwell in the past or worry about the future. Find your peace in the present moment.

13. Life is a journey of self-discovery. The more you explore within, the more you understand the world.

14. Embrace the impermanence of life. It teaches you to cherish each moment.

15. The true essence of mindfulness is being fully present and engaged in whatever you are doing.

Thanks for reading
~ 𝗧𝗼𝗻𝗴𝘀𝗮 𝗚𝘂𝘆


Do not keep chasing after something that does not want to get caught because your best efforts will never be enough when your best efforts are being wasted on thewrong person. When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give time for the right things to catch up.
But if you keep pursuing that person who is not showing interests, your eyes will be blinded and the right person will pass you by and go and in the end you will realize that you lost a diamond while you were too busy focusing on stones...


Do not keep chasing after something that does not want to get caught because your best efforts will never be enough when your best efforts are being wasted on thewrong person. When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give time for the right things to catch up.
But if you keep pursuing that person who is not showing interests, your eyes will be blinded and the right person will pass you by and go and in the end you will realize that you lost a diamond while you were too busy focusing on stones...