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WEDDING is different from MARRIAGE

Wedding is for a DAY .
Marriage is for a LIFETIME

Wedding is an OCCASION
Marriage is an INSTITUTION

Wedding is a PARTY
Marriage is REALITY.

One of the challenges that couples face immediately after their wedding is DEBT.

Debts incurred from putting the Wedding together.

DEBT can cause resentment to fester amongst a newly Wed couple, blame trading, accusation and counter accusation, lies told to evade debtors, quarrels become frequent and soon full blown fights break out.

Future salaries forfeited to settle debts.

This can be avoided....

Dear Young Man, help yourself..
Dear young lady, help yourself and your Man.

Do not INSIST on too many friviloties

Pre wedding SHOOT, Intra wedding SHOT, post wedding SHAT, shower this, bath that..

Do as your strength can carry and leave the rest for those coming after you..

Do not spend all your money planning WEDDING and forget to keep some money for what you will EAT in MARRIAGE.

Don't depend on the money they will spray you during your dance, it can disappoint.

Don't borrow money or use your life savings to plan a wedding and become broke/enter into debts trying to impress people that don't care...

After wedding, there's house rent, school fees, Nepa bill. Baby food don cost oh...

Your wedding gown mustn't be the most expensive one or an imported one, after wedding day, will you use it again?

You mustn't buy wedding shoes of N100,000, is shoe na, is not car.

The food mustn't be prepared by an official catering firm that will charge you N300,000, after 3 days people will forget how the food tasted, find a less expensive alternative.

Don't go for a cake that will cost you N150,000, when you actually don't have the money for it.

Wedding is for a Day.
Marriage is for a Lifetime

They don't give award for most expensive wedding......

You can even save costs from wedding and use it to live large in marriage..

"If your wedding is too expensive, your marriage will bear the costs.
Hope Arinze is really communicating here?
Have a wonderful New week friends.

Spirits Cannot Die - DR. MYLES MUNROE
After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

One day as I was talking with the Holy Spirit, He said to me, “Myles, what are you?”
I said, “Spirit.”
He said, “Yea! You got that down! Do you know that spirits can- not die?”
I said, “This is true.”
Then He said, “Why do humans think in terms of time only? I came back to earth to introduce humans to eternity.”
I said, “Whoa!”
Then the Holy Spirit showed me how God had designed us to live forever. He said, “If you have to live forever, which you will, what are you going to do? God intended you to live forever because spirits never die. And you have to live forever being fulfilled. God never makes anything without a purpose. So you are designed to live forever and you’ve got to be fulfilling your purpose in life. God had to make sure He stored enough in you to last forever so you will never get bored.”
That blew my mind. We are going to live forever.
Sometimes we sing: “When I get to Heaven I’m going to praise the Lord for a thousand years.”
“What are you going to do after that?”
“Well, then I’ll walk around the streets of gold for another thou- sand years.”
“What are you going to do after that?” You have eternity to live. After a million years of worshiping and bowing and keeping com- pany with the angels, what are you going to do? Your mind is so small. You think, “Wow. Look what I have accomplished.”
God says, “Gosh, your life is a spot in eternity—just a drop in eternity. You will not begin really living until you leave time and enter eternity.”
God has packed so much into you that the book He wrote on you is only the book for time. Your potential from birth to death is contained in that book— a book so full of expectations that David says it is “vast.”

- BOOK QUOTE: Understanding Your Potential

How to stop time: kiss.
How to travel in time: read.
How to escape time: music.
How to feel time: write.
How to release time: breathe. ~Matt Haig

7 LIES WE tell ourselves as men 👇😉

1. We are working because of our wives & children

Debunk (not true because man was created primarily with an inalienable trait to work so with or without your wife, you will still WORK).

2. As the head of the home, we are in control!

Debunk (every head stands on the neck. Your wife is your neck, you can't be in control without her. Marriage is a partnership not a dictatorship).

3. Our wives and children cannot do without us.

Debunk (well, die first & find out. They can! While you're on earth, do the most for them but please take care of yourself too, take care of your mental health as well).

4. Our wives cannot handle the truths about our dark side.

Debunked (A lie from the pit of hell. Please give women some credit. Women are more capable of handle emotional stress than most men. Open up & be truthful to her & trust God to grant her the grace for forgiveness & healing. Covering up your acts will lead to more dark acts).

5. Money answers everything about marriage
Debunked (Lie, lie, lie. Money answers things but no everything! Your time is important, your care is important, security, protection & their likes)

6. We can mold our wives into any shape we want.

Debunked (lol. Brother, please leave this table alone. You know what & who you married when you married her so why try to change her now? No be so dem dey do things).

7. We can cheat on our wives and get away with it every time.

Debunked (No! You may think she doesn’t know but I bet you, women have a high level of intuition and discernment you cannot phantom. Come clean, confess your sins & repent. Seek Counselling, go see a counselor with your wife & come out of that mess!).

I believe you got value from this. If you did, please leave a comment & kindly follow me for more life relatable teachings



And alot of things sponsor this INDECISION:

1. Inability to discern (Time is not going; you're the one that is going)

2. Pride or High taste; you're not a graduate, but you're looking for a PhD holder whilst you're treating that young suitor like crap! You don't have a boat, yet you're looking for someone who will always book bolt for you.

3. The fear of either the past (sad repetition of history) or the future (uncertainty)

4. Wrong counselors especially, premised on wrong associations

5. Being either too religious or sanctimonious

6. Poor outlook (especially for those who don't dress or appear well; it is only God that looks at the heart; men look at outward appearance)

7. Wrong motives, especially those looking for sponsorship, not companionship; looking for help, not love.

8. Temperament, especially the introverts who won't wait for youth meeting after church, who won't post their pictures for us or reply chats until it is midnight when the one who sent them the messages is asleep for fear of not knowing what to reply...

I can go on and on!

Father, may every one reading this not wait long and marry wrong in Jesus'name! AMEN.

Do Not Force Or Rush Love
But allow love to develop on it's own time. Just because you may be infatuated with someone doesn't necessarily mean this is the person you are meant to be with.

The first bond you want to build with someone is a friendship. Focus on learning about one another and understand who this person truly is. Do not go by the images you create in your head of who this person can potentially be.

If you both can accept one another for who you truly are - you won't have to deal with the disappointments of expectations that you set for one another.

Dear Christian Brother,

If you are not ready, whatever you are doing with her is wrong or will soon be wrong.

You must be ready for marriage before you make that first move towards courtship.

We're not playing here. In this kingdom, we're not jokers.

Be aware of where you are, if you are not where you need to be yet, respect yourself as well as your destiny and grow!

When I say grow, it's not limited to just finance, no. We're better than that.

However, if you are wealthy it's not a crime, is it? No!

That sister is not running. Even if she does run, the Bible says "the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; there are new every morning..."

God's love will shine on you again and you'll find your perfect match.

I hope you understand.


1. You were born with potential. You are not a mistake. You are not an accident. You were created with a purpose and a destiny.

2. Your potential is tied to your Creator. God created everything with the hidden ability to fulfill itself. In every seed there is a forest, in every fish, a school, in every bird, a flock, in every cow, a herd, in every girl, a woman, in every boy, a man, in every man, a nation.

3. You are responsible for releasing your potential. God has given you the ability to fulfill your purpose, but it is up to you to take action.

4. You need to know who you are. You need to understand your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and your purpose.

5. You need to set goals. What do you want to achieve in your life? Once you know what you want, you can start making a plan to get there.

6. You need to take action. Don't just sit around and dream about your goals. Take steps every day to make them a reality.

7. You need to be persistent. There will be times when you want to give up. But if you keep going, you will eventually reach your goals.

8. You need to be positive. A positive attitude will help you stay motivated and focused.

9. You need to be willing to learn. The world is constantly changing, so you need to be willing to learn new things in order to keep up.

10. You need to be patient. It takes time to achieve great things. Don't expect to reach your goals overnight.


7 WAYS A HUSBAND INJURES A WIFE WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT : Most husbands I know would never injure their wife knowingly. They want to be her protector.

But we guys are different than women, and the way we respond to our wife often causes injury.
And, most of the time, it’s unintentional. We didn’t even know we were doing it.

When we don’t realize the damage we’re doing to our wives’ emotions, we invalidate every desire we have to be her defender.I have seen these behaviors countless times.

I wish I could say I never did any of these . . . but that would be a lie. I write this with one finger pointed forward . . . and four more pointed my way.


1. Cuts her out of the discussion.
When you act as if she isn’t even there or wouldn’t understand what you’re talking about, she feels a part of her is detached. She sees the marriage as a partnership in every part of life–even the parts she may never fully understand.

2. Fails to notice the difference she makes.
A woman doesn’t want to be appreciated for only what she does. She wants you to appreciate who she is, but–admit it–she does a lot.

Whether it’s decorating the house or making sure the clothes are clean, or that you have your favorite soap, a woman wants to know what she does is valued by you.

3. Underestimates the small stuff.
You only said “this,” but it was “THIS” to her. And it hurts. You may even think it’s funny. She may even laugh.

But it is often building a wall of protection around her heart each time you do. The key here is that you can’t talk to her like you might talk to another guy. She hears and feels more deeply than you do. Words can and do hurt.

4. Speaks with curtness.
When you talk down to her, as if she’s somehow less than you, you bruise her spirit. Deeply.

And, you know she’s not less than you . . . you don’t even think she is . . . but sometimes, she just can’t tell that based on the way you talk to her.

5. Corrects her as she’s talking.
This could be finishing her sentences or speaking for her in the company of others. She feels demeaned and devalued when you present her to others as if she can’t compete with you in original thought . Which you know isn’t true. (My wife is much smarter than me.)

6. Acts suspicious.
Don’t misunderstand or misapply this one. When you hide information, even when you think you’re protecting her, you cause her to question your motive.

When you protect your calendar or act like you are upset at the question “What did you do today?” or “What did you talk about?” or “Who was that?” when someone calls, it gives her an eerie feeling something is wrong. And, that hurts.

7. Admires other women over her.
She sees you looking. She may even understand your highly visual make-up. It hurts her, however, when a glance becomes a stare especially when it happens everywhere you go all the time.

She can bruise easily in some areas of her life, especially the places that involve the people she loves most. No matter how independent or strong your wife is, her heart is tender in places.

Lots of places. She can bruise easily in some areas of her life, especially the places that involve the people she loves most, such as you.
A husband who understands this is more careful in how he responds to her.

I always like to use this thought as a reminder: Would I allow another man to speak to or treat my wife as I am doing? She’s a precious gift, guys . . . treat her well.

7 WAYS A HUSBAND INJURES A WIFE WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT : Most husbands I know would never injure their wife knowingly. They want to be her protector.

But we guys are different than women, and the way we respond to our wife often causes injury.
And, most of the time, it’s unintentional. We didn’t even know we were doing it.

When we don’t realize the damage we’re doing to our wives’ emotions, we invalidate every desire we have to be her defender.I have seen these behaviors countless times.

I wish I could say I never did any of these . . . but that would be a lie. I write this with one finger pointed forward . . . and four more pointed my way.


1. Cuts her out of the discussion.
When you act as if she isn’t even there or wouldn’t understand what you’re talking about, she feels a part of her is detached. She sees the marriage as a partnership in every part of life–even the parts she may never fully understand.

2. Fails to notice the difference she makes.
A woman doesn’t want to be appreciated for only what she does. She wants you to appreciate who she is, but–admit it–she does a lot.

Whether it’s decorating the house or making sure the clothes are clean, or that you have your favorite soap, a woman wants to know what she does is valued by you.

3. Underestimates the small stuff.
You only said “this,” but it was “THIS” to her. And it hurts. You may even think it’s funny. She may even laugh.

But it is often building a wall of protection around her heart each time you do. The key here is that you can’t talk to her like you might talk to another guy. She hears and feels more deeply than you do. Words can and do hurt.

4. Speaks with curtness.
When you talk down to her, as if she’s somehow less than you, you bruise her spirit. Deeply.

And, you know she’s not less than you . . . you don’t even think she is . . . but sometimes, she just can’t tell that based on the way you talk to her.

5. Corrects her as she’s talking.
This could be finishing her sentences or speaking for her in the company of others. She feels demeaned and devalued when you present her to others as if she can’t compete with you in original thought . Which you know isn’t true. (My wife is much smarter than me.)

6. Acts suspicious.
Don’t misunderstand or misapply this one. When you hide information, even when you think you’re protecting her, you cause her to question your motive.

When you protect your calendar or act like you are upset at the question “What did you do today?” or “What did you talk about?” or “Who was that?” when someone calls, it gives her an eerie feeling something is wrong. And, that hurts.

7. Admires other women over her.
She sees you looking. She may even understand your highly visual make-up. It hurts her, however, when a glance becomes a stare especially when it happens everywhere you go all the time.

She can bruise easily in some areas of her life, especially the places that involve the people she loves most. No matter how independent or strong your wife is, her heart is tender in places.

Lots of places. She can bruise easily in some areas of her life, especially the places that involve the people she loves most, such as you.
A husband who understands this is more careful in how he responds to her.

I always like to use this thought as a reminder: Would I allow another man to speak to or treat my wife as I am doing? She’s a precious gift, guys . . . treat her well.