The story of Sarah has resonated so much within me. I got born again a while ago,

But like Sarah I was making so many shortcuts placing revenge into my own hands, fornication, "shaking up" before marriage, looking down on other people, seeking people's validation to be happy,

So unforgiving, bearer of nasty confrontations etc. And one thing I am Realizing is that when we take shortcuts on the things of God, we get easily offended.

I for one in my past used to be easily offended, felt judged exactly like how Sarah felt after Abraham had slept with Haggar (a problem she created for herself,

Genesis 16:5-6). Even though I went to church every Sunday, something in me (God whispering near to my tent) kept on nudging me to truly repent

And seek God and live my life according to the Will of God. I heard the voice of the Lord and I obeyed it! I left my old ways and became new and revived in Jesus Christ.

My heart is still in progress but I know my purpose and will of God over my life will not be nullified by sin, by things i install upon myself in the name of shortcuts and helping God. And no matter the mistakes I made in my past, God was still waiting for me with open arms.

He can still reveal himself in all of us nomatter what!💗Never ever feel condemned ever!🙌🏾 the One who was suppossed to condemn you LOVED you so much that He laid down His life and rose again just for you