WHAT PRAYER DOES TO A MAN || Apostle Micheal Orokpo

If your prayer does not transform you, you have no authority against the powers of darkness. Please make no mistake about it

There is a move of prayer currently going on and people think prayer is about volume and about posture.

And so you find young people praying and shouting because they sweated and their suit is wet, they think it's power - Sweat is not power o.
Sweat is not power, make no mistake about it.

The first thing that happens to you if you want to fight against the devil is to make sure that your prayer begin to transform you.

That lying tongue must come under government; that heart that deceives must come under government; that leg that is quick to go into immorality must come under government. So the first thing prayer does is to transform. That's why the bible says 'we all with open faces beholding as in a glass...' because prayer therefore becomes the art of beholding. The more you behold the Glory, the more your whole life is edited.

Jeremiah 33 v 3 says "Ask of me, I will answer - I don't stop by answering. He says I will show you great and mighty things you know not of"

So the moment man begin to pray, what God does is that He opens the theater of the Spirit realm, and he begin to edit his life.
He will begin with your tongue, He will begin with your feet, He will begin with your heart posture. Because what God wants to achieve is to make sure that the name of Jesus is powerful in your mouth, beccause God has given you a weapon but there is a qualification.

Hope you know that if I bring a magazine here now and I give you, that you have a tongue does not mean that you can kill anybody.

The gun is powerful, Everybody can be shot dead by the gun. So the problem is not the potentials of the gun, but who is using it. That's what Christians have not yet settle down to study. Everybody is quoting the name of Jesus is above every principalities and powers, it is correct but who is using the name?

Who is using the name? That's the question we have not answered.

Every knee bows, who is using the name? Because two people can have a gun, one will kill himself, the other one will kill his enemy. It depends on if you know how to handle it.

And the first law that the spirit realm insists on is that anyone who is using that name must be Purge. So the ministry of prayer comes to activate the fire that purifies.

I pray for you, may you receive the Grace to pray in the name of Jesus

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