5 Lessons From Beyond Order by Jordan Peterson

1) People remain mentally healthy not merely because of the integrity of their own minds, but because they are constantly being reminded how to think, act, and speak by those around them.

2) The true winner of any game is the person who plays fair. This is because playing fair is a higher-order accomplishment than mere victory.

Striving to play fair following the spirit of the rules is an indication of true personality development.

3) Success at a given endeavor often means trying, falling short, recalibrating (with the new knowledge generated painfully by the failure), and then trying again and falling short – often repeated, ad nauseam.

4) People are more commonly upset by what they did not even try to do than by the errors they actively committed while engaging with the world.

At least if you misstep while doing something, you can learn from doing it wrong. But to remain passive in the face of life, even if you excuse your inaction as a means of avoiding error – that is a major mistake.

5) If you decide to stand up and refuse a command, if you do something of which others disapprove but you firmly believe to be correct, you must be in a position to trust yourself.

This means that you must have attempted to live an honest, meaningful, and productive life.