My message this morning is not to everybody, it is just to some kind of persons. As you read it, you will know if you are part of the people I am talking to. I call them THE PROPHETIC SONS.

These people are sons (male and female) who came as a fulfilment of a prophesy. Unfortunately, many of them do not even know. They just suddenly realize that some strange things began to happen to them. Many of you are like Samuel: your parents negotiated with God and sold you before your arrival.

You have been given unto God even before you were ever conceived. That was why Samuel kept sleeping beside the Ark even though he lived in the midst of corrupt people. He didn't understand why he did not have appetite for sinful living like other people had.

There are some of you who never participated in the works of iniquity that your friends did. Even though you were not yet born again, you lived a very different life. You didn't know why you were always caught anytime you try to join them.

The day you would have committed fornication, someone mistakenly walked into the room and every fire in you died.

You don't even understand why you are always staying alone most of the times. Its as if you enjoy your own personal company than staying in the midst of people. Sometimes you just enter your room, shut your door and begin to cry for reasons you don't even understand.

At a very tender age, you have started seeing visions of angels and heavenly beings. For some others, you just realize that your journey seemingly look slower than that of others. The door opens for everyone until it is your turn; something strange will shut the door.

When you sleep at night, a hand taps you and you began to feel the burden to pray though you have no prayer point. Sometimes you just lost appetite for food. Not that you are fasting o; just that something always tells you that there is a deeper life somewhere. When everybody stopped praying, you still had urge to continue praying.

My friend listen, nothing is wrong with you o; you have been marked by God. It is the voice of destiny that is calling on you. Those pain, agony, suffering, tears, oppression, are because you bear the destiny of nations on your shoulders. You are a child of destiny; a prophetic son.

People have told you that you were doing too much. They said you were being over spiritual. They told you to take things easy; after all, we are also Christians. But even though you tried to obey them, you were still very restless within you. You couldn't just stop what you're doing. You're actually not doing things by yourself, something is pushing you. If only they would understand that there is a force that is beyond your control.

Listen, stop trying to quench that fire. *When your hunger seems unquenchable; its a sign that it was kindled by God.* The deep is calling unto the deep.

The devil constantly attacks you because he perceives that you're a threat to his kingdom. You remember how Herod killed several children because of the baby Jesus. Its not about the little boy, its about who the boy is.

I tell you today, you have been marked by God; you are not cursed at all. It's the voice of the deep that beckons on you...

© Steven Olayiwola