One of the things God did in my life is giving me the ability to studying the word of God and in my studies, I discover what a man's life can turn out to be outside the will of God.

Many of us are caged in so many generational curse that is standing as a hindrance to their making in life.

I can tell you that alot of persons are living comfortably in those curses, and some of those people may not be aware of those generational curses.

The reason why you will still need deliverance inorder to be delivered from those curse is because they are still not consecrated and that is why you will need the anointing to break demons and strongholds in your father's house.

The prescribed way of coming out of those curses is by consecrating yourself.

The devil cannot fight a man that is on the ground, because Satan will leave a man that has accepted to suffer, an English man says that any man that is down, does not fear a fall, so as long as you are doing nothing, Satan will let you be, but if you are doing something, Satan will be very strong to pursue you.

The reason why the average christians are still buried in several curses is because they have not subscribe to consecration and that is why they are in need of deliverance.

We have been covered with several curses because we are a rebellious generation, we are people that have refused to follow Christ, we have not submitted ourselves to Jesus, so inorder to break out of those curses, you need to be consecrated.

Consecrate yourself,
Give yourself totally to Jesus,
Die to flesh and fleshly ambitious,
And submit to serving God's will.