IT IS NOT WRONG TO HAVE AN EXPECTATION OF REWARD: Every crisis holds within it an opportunity to reap a reward. There is always a pearl concealed in the pain. When David got into the camp of Israel he saw that Goliath had emotionally devastated the hosts of Israel, with fear.

As a carrier of the anointing he came into the camp to fight. He did not see a problem, he saw an opportunity. In 1 Samuel 17:26a, David spoke to the men that stood by saying, “what shall be done to the man that killeth this Philistine, and taketh away the reproach from Israel...?

While others saw an insurmountable problem, David saw a great opportunity. While they were gripped with fear, he was captured by faith. Whatever crisis you are facing now can be turned into an opportunity.

Any crisis that is seen as an avenue for upliftment is already half conquered. When you see the light at the end of the tunnel, you will be motivated to uproot every obstacle on your way. You will fight better, knowing that something good will come out of the crisis in the end.