Happiness Is Not Automatic.
If you really want to be happy, you have to make a conscious deliberate decision to be happy regardless of who is around you,

What is happening inside of you, or what the news headlines say. You can’t just wake up and hope that someone will make you happy.

When you wake up and after you’ve prayed, arise and walk out through your door determined to put a smile on the faces of everyone you’ll meet.

Purposefully drown the internal negative voices with praise. Intentionally confront your fears with faith. Resist the urge to respond negatively to every negative voice or negative thought.

Refuse to handover the thermostat of your life to anyone except God. Regardless of what is happening around you, before you get out of bed,

And before you interact with people, make a covenant with your mind that you’re going to be joyful in all situations. Stay happy, stay positive and enjoy every moment of the day.

Keep a smile on your face, a positive attitude on your heart, and joyful song on your lips and declare, “This is the day the LORD has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24.