√ Women Respond To LOVE.
√ Men Respond To SUBMISSION
If a Woman feels Loved, her Natural response is Submission. If a Man feels Respected, his subconscious response is Love..

Dear Brother,
You don't need to DEMAND submission, just SUPPLY Love. Dear Sister, let him be the Head, don't fight him, pamper him, LOVE will ooze out of him naturally

The character of a good Woman puts her in her husband's budget. A submissive Wife will always have a great influence over her Husband.

A Rebellious Wife will always find her Husband difficult to influence. A Woman's beauty to a Man is mainly her LOOKS but a Wife's beauty to her Husband is mainly her CHARACTER.

A Woman is a Womb, she's a multiplier, give her anything and she multiples it back to you. Give her trouble, she gives you double. A Wise Man gives his Wife peace, love, care, support and gets double of it.

PS: The above conditions and truths only apply if you are with a good person. A Bad Man/Woman will take your Love and Submission and still treat you like trash, cheat on you and abuse you.

Your greatest job in pursuit of a good relationship and marriage are (1) being the right Person and (2) finding the right Person.
Once you get those two right, you're bound to succeed with God on your side.